Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay about Direct To Consumer Pharmacuetical Advertising
The Misleading Truth About Pharmaceutical Advertisements nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Is a patient at liberty to diagnose his or her own affliction? If so, are they also qualified enough to know the right medication and take into consideration the drugs adverse effects? With the recent onset of direct to consumer advertising for prescription drugs, this is becoming the case. In 1994, expenditures on direct to consumer advertisements were about twenty-five-million a year. By 1998 that figure changed to about 225 million (Sasich 2). Turn on the TV, there they are. Open your favorite magazine, there they are again. Listen to the radio, congratulations, you’ve found another ad for the latest prescription drug. Rush down to your local†¦show more content†¦If no one needs it, no one will buy it. Is this an industry that should be allowed to create this type of demand? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;To fully understand the suggestiveness in these ads, you have to look at what they imply. In a magazine ad for Effexor, a drug for depression or generalized anxiety disorder, it clearly states in large wording, â€Å"I got my playfulness back.†There is a picture of a woman holding her baby and the wording is in handwriting as if she was the one who wrote it. In the ad she is looking just as playful as the baby in diapers. It makes you think, are you as playful as that baby? You must have depression, as nothing else could possibly explain your sudden loss of child-like playfulness. It is ads like this that are the most disturbing. I think it is relatively established that any normal functioning adult will mature with age. But this ad targets anyone who has grown into a mature, normal adult and stamps it as depression. If this wasn’t bad enough, it gets worse. In a magazine ad for Celexa, another drug for depression, it clearly states in large print â€Å"For depression, Celexa, effective first line therapy with a favorable side-effect profile.†It goes on to list four favorable aspects of the drug. On the back, they are forced by the FDA to list the drug’s adverse effects. There is an entire page in three or four point print arranged in three columns speaking of the drugs adverseShow MoreRelatedApply Porter 5 forces to IBM10304 Words  | 42 Pagesannually for RD, in order to constantly introduce new high-technology and innovative products and solutions to market to maintain its competitiveness,Tougher for new entrants to achieve economies of scale due to experience curve effect. In addition, Consumers preference over established brands, long-term relationship and broad product portfolio make IBM the preferred brand. 2.Threat of SubstitutesPropensity to substitute is low for buyers. Threat varies from low to medium with high switching cost and
Monday, December 16, 2019
Renaissance Free Essays
string(112) " to admit the original dispensation Pope Julius II had granted for their marriage was illegal \(Soppy, 2009, p\." Italy before spreading to the rest of Europe. The Italian peninsula, positioned within the Mediterranean Sea, enabled the city-states and principalities to become major centers of trade and commerce. Venice, located on the northeastern coast of Italy, was known as the Queen of the Adriatic and had the busiest Italian maritime port (Soppy, 2009, p. We will write a custom essay sample on Renaissance or any similar topic only for you Order Now 66). Even inland cities such as Rome and Florence were able to benefit from Italy’s natural features. Florence had a port fifty miles away at the mouth of the Aaron River, which flowed through the heart of city providing inland access to merchants (Soppy, 2009, p. 52). Italy’s prime geographical location led it to be the first port of call for goods and ideas. Italy also differed from the rest of Europe politically. Countries such as England, Spain, and France were ruled by monarchs while Italy (with a few exceptions) consisted of city-states where power was shared among prominent families. It was within these city-states that the dynamic political atmosphere could nurture the Renaissance movement (Cook, 2014). In Florence, the Medici family was able to dominate the city for much of the fifteenth century. The Medici family were patron to many artists, musicians, philosophers, and architects. Cosmic De’ Medici had a hand in erecting many of the structures in Florence, believing the rich should give back to their communities (Soppy, 2009, p. 53). Many prominent families throughout Italy commissioned public art to display their wealth and power. What is more, the vigorous humanist movement helped the Renaissance establish strong roots in Italy. According to Soppy (2009), humanism can be defined as a movement that encouraged the study of the form and content of classical learning and that movement was the core of the Renaissance (p. 71 â€Å"Italian society was characterized by a revival of antiquity, specifically the classical world of Greece and Rome†(Krebs, 2009). Renaissance humanists were fascinated with the study of ancient Greece and Rome, and civic humanists played a significant role of putting their knowledge of the classics to practical use for their communities. Ultimately, Italy’s abundant wealth is what would stimulate the development of the Renaissance. During the fifteenth century, Europe depended on Italy for much of its commerce (Cook, 2014). This enabled the Italians to take the lead in areas such as banking, trade, and manufacturing, and therefore became â€Å"the most urbanize and prosperous people of Europe†(Soppy, 2009, p. ). Italians were able to use their wealth and prosperity to support the arts. Italy was fortunate to have several factors working to promote the growth of the Renaissance. Were it not for Tit’s favorable geography, unique political climate, progressive social movements, and healthy economy, the Renaissance may not have had the success and advancem ents that it enjoyed during the fourteenth and fifteenth century. 2. Compare and contrast the motives and actions of Martin Luther in the German states and King Henry VIII in England in bringing about religious change during the Reformation. How were they different? Did they share any similarities? In Europe, the sixteenth century was a time of tremendous change. The most revolutionary event was the Reformation. Martin Luther and King Henry VIII of England had different motives, but both brought about religious change during the Reformation. Martin Luther was born in the German states in 1483 to Hans and Margaret. Hans Luther was a miner, and Martin grew up in a working-class household. Lather’s parents, determined for him to become a lawyer, enrolled him in the local school in 1492 (soppy, 2009, p. 165). Luther attended the university of Revert in 1501 here he studied the typical liberal arts curriculum, receiving his Bachelors degree in 1 502 and Master’s in 1 505 (History. Com Staff, 2009). One day, ether’s whole life changed when he was nearly struck by lightning. Luther swore he would become a monk if he made it through the storm and days later joined the Sustaining Hermit monastery. At the age of thirty-four, Martin Luther became convinced he found the answer to the question that had troubled him for many years. Luther believed that faith in God, rather than good works, was the key to achieving grace. During the same period the Catholic Church was selling indulgences, instead of having people do good works, with the promise that it would shorten the amount of time they spent in purgatory (Soppy, 2009, p. 167). Because Luther believed God saved people through his gift of faith, he saw the sale of indulgences as a corrupt practice by the Catholic Church. When Luther nailed the â€Å"Ninety-Five Theses†to the church door, he had hoped to start an academic debate (Soppy, 2009, p. 168). He had no idea they would spark the Reformation. King Henry VIII was born in 1491 at Greenwich Palace in England. He was the second son of King Henry VII and Elizabeth of York (BBC History, 2014). Henry VII was required to get a special papal dispensation from pope Julius II in order for his son to be able to marry Catherine of Argon, the widow of Henrys older brother Arthur (Soppy, 2009, p. 229). King Henry VIII married Catherine and began his reign in 1509. In 1 527, after eighteen years of marriage, Henry wanted a divorce from Queen Catherine (Soppy, 2009, p. 229). She had only been able to bear him one surviving child, a daughter, and he desperately wanted a male heir. Martin Luther and King Henry Vic’s motives for reform came from entirely efferent sources. Luther disagreed with the papacy over the doctrine that allowed the selling of indulgences. He also believed that salvation was achieved by faith alone. Coming from a working-class background, Luther did not want to see the congregation being taken advantage of by the clergy. Henry VIII wanted to separate from the Catholic Church because he desired to marry Anne Bobble, who promised to bear him sons (Soppy, 2009, p. 231). King Henry asked pope Clement VII to grant him an annulment. Pope Clement refused because he was unwilling to admit the original dispensation Pope Julius II had granted for their marriage was illegal (Soppy, 2009, p. You read "Renaissance" in category "Papers" 31). Henry split from the church to fulfill his matrimonial plans and to take the wealthy lands of all the English monasteries. Unlike Luther, King Henrys motives for reform were purely selfish. Both Martin Luther and Henry VIII achieved separation from the Catholic Church. While Luther separated while trying to reform due to his dissatisfaction with corrupt church practices, Henry VIII separated purposefully for his selfish desires. Although they were very different men, Martin Luther and King Henry VIII were both influential in he Reformation movement, and their actions can still be felt today. . Analyze the aims, methods, and degree of success of the Catholic Reformation (Counter-Reformation) in the sixteenth century. What did the Catholic Church do to reform itself and respond to the spread of Protestantism? In what ways did it both succeed and fail in achieving its goals? At the start of the sixteenth century, people such as John Calvin and Martin Luther began questioning the practices of the Catholic Church. By challenging the church doctrine with his â€Å"Ninety-Five Theses†, Luther sparked the Protestant Reformation. By the mid-sixteenth century, the papacy realized it needed to reform church practices and respond to the Protestant challenge. The Counter-Reformation was a way for the Roman Catholic Church to re-establish itself. The aim of the Counter-Reformation in Europe was to end the Protestant Reformation and rebuild the power of the Catholic Church through reform, religious orders, and education. The Counter- Reformation was successful in saving the integrity of the Roman Catholic Church, but states where the government adopted Protestantism remained. In order for the pope to succeed in reforming the Catholic Church, he would deed support. Pope Paul Ill called the Council of Trend in December of 1545 (History Learning Site, 2014). Although it took eighteen years to conclude, the Council of Trend proved to be the most important church council in a thousand years (Soppy, 2009, p. 264). The reform council was intended to examine doctrine and reform, and was responsible for the reaffirmation and clarification of major church doctrines. In order to please the Protestants, Charles V wanted abuses looked at in hopes it would bring them back to the church (History Learning Site, 2014). The council admitted to corrupt practices thin the church and took stern measures to correct them. New laws were put in place to combat pluralism, simony, nepotism, immorality, and ignorance (Soppy, 2009, p. 265). Priests were no longer allowed to avoid church services with the reform of absenteeism. Also, the selling Of indulgences was banned. While the church had gone through many reform councils, the Council of Trend was unique in the fact that so many of its decrees were carried out and actual change was taking place in the church (Soppy, 2009, p. 265). The Council of Trend helped to solve internal problems of the Catholic Church. To improve the Catholic standing within the communities, a number of new religious orders started during the Counter- Reformation. While the founding of religious orders traditionally brought about renewal and reform for the Catholic Church, pope Innocent Ill discouraged their establishment in 121 5 in order to gain greater control over the papacy (Soppy, 2009, p. 256). The first new order established was the Thinness. The Thinness were advocates for improvement of the Catholic Church and set an example of how good priests should live and work (History Learning Site, 2014). The Ursine was an order for women that promoted he education of women and children. Even some older orders responded by modernizing themselves (History Learning Site, 2014). Education proved to be a prominent aid as well in the Catholic Reformation. Igniting Loyola founded the Society of Jesus in 1540. Loyola ensured the Jesuits were highly disciplined, and education was at the heart of the movement (History Learning Site, 2014). After many years Of training, a Jesuit Was considered prepared to carry out his work. By Alloy’s death in 1 556, there were thirty- five Jesuit colleges throughout Europe as a base for the Counter-Reformation ND the society had grown to about one thousand members (Soppy, 2009, p. 260). In the sixteenth century, the Catholic Reformation began when the Roman Catholic Church was at risk of losing its religious control in Europe. The Counter-Reformation succeeded in reducing the spread of Protestantism in Europe and was able to renew the face of Catholicism by reforming and educating the clergy, and initiating new religious orders. 4. While women were often not allowed public roles during the Renaissance and Reformation periods, there were some examples of powerful or influential women in reorient public and leadership roles. Choose three of the following and discuss the roles these women played in shaping the society and culture of their age: Queen Elizabeth I, Catherine Domenici, SST. Teresa of Avail, Christine De Pizza, Artemisia Gentiles. During the Renaissance and Reformation period, women were often not allowed to pursue public roles. Opportunities for women were severely restricted, and few had a chance to receive a proper education. Fortunately, there are a few examples of powerful or influential women such as Queen Elizabeth l, Christine De Pizza, and Artemisia Gentiles, who played prominent roles in shaping the society and culture of their age. Queen Elizabeth of England was the first daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Bobble. Elizabeth ascended the throne in 1558, and she ruled for nearly 45 years. Young Elizabeth acted swiftly, after taking the reins from her sister, to address the pressing issue of religion. At her first session in parliament, Queen Elizabeth called for the passage of the Act Of Supremacy, which re-established the Church of England (The Biography. Mom website, 2014). Elizabeth took a more moderate stance, hoping to appeal to both Protestants and Catholics. The Elizabethan settlement permitted the clergy to marry, but also continued the traditional Episcopal system (Soppy, 2009, p. 244). Her reign is sometimes known as the Golden Age because of Elizabethan us port of the arts. According to Sopp y (2009), the England of Queen Elizabeth featured remarkable literary talents such as William Shakespeare, the dramatist Christopher Marlowe, and poets Edmund Spencer, Sir Philip Sidney and his sister Mary (p. 46). When Spain set its sights on England, the English navy was able to defeat the infamous Spanish Armada in 1588 (The Biography-corn website, 2014). Elizabeth also sponsored new efforts for colonization of the New World. Queen Elizabeth provided England with a long period of stability and consistency. Christine De Pizza was an influential writer who advocated women’s rights during the Northern Renaissance. As Soppy (2009) explains, few French writers had such a significant impact on the modern world as Christine De Pizza (p. 41 Pizza was not only the first woman to write professionally, but she was also the first feminist to be published (Soppy, 2009, p. 141 Pizza began writing to support her family after her father and husband died. Her most important work, The Book Of the City of Ladies, described a world in which women were capable of doing all the work necessary to run a city (Soppy, 2009, p. 143). The book was revolutionary and was written to combat the traditional ideas that people had about women’s nature. Christine De Pizza was an influential figure who proved women could be independent and have a voice in a man’s world. Artemisia Gentiles was one of the most prominent female artists of her time. Gentiles was trained by the renowned master Aggravating, who influenced her use of light and shade to heighten emotions and her strong ensue of composition (Soppy, 2009, p. 103). In 161 1, one of her teachers and a friend of her father’s, Stagnation Tasks, raped seventeen-year-old Gentiles. Gentiles maintained during the seven-month trial, in which she was tortured with thumbscrews that Tasks was guilty of the crime (Soppy, 2009, p. 103). This traumatic event also seems to have influenced the subject matter of her paintings. Gentiles clearly identified herself with Judith, a strong biblical heroine (Soppy, 2009, p. 104). Artemisia Genteelness’s extraordinary work helped other women artists to enter a male-dominated field. While women faced many difficulties during the Renaissance and Reformation period, some were able to overcome the obstacles. Queen Elizabeth l, Christine De Pizza, and Artemisia Gentiles all overcame personal and societal struggles and played significant roles in influencing the society and culture of their age. . Within the context of the Italian Renaissance, what was humanism, and what role did humanism and humanists play in Renaissance society and culture? In what ways did Italian Renaissance humanism differ from the humanism Of Northern Europe? For centuries, mankind looked to elision and the Catholic Church for guidance and answers. In the fourteenth century, when a cultural movement know n as the Renaissance began in Italy, the qualities of humanism became more prominent. Instead of seeking supernatural explanations, humanists were using scientific and rational analysis. Within the context of the Italian Renaissance, humanism was a movement that celebrated the revival of classical study. Humanism played a pivotal role in the Italian Renaissance, influencing society and culture through art, architecture, and literature. Humanism had a profound effect on art ring the Renaissance period. Painters and sculptors began to focus more on the beauty, especially of the male human body. Michelangelo David boldly glorifies the naked human body (Soppy, 2009, p. 111). David was no longer a small effeminate boy, but a giant muscular hero. Paintings such as Michelangelo The Last Judgment also show a sharp contrast to the Middle Ages. â€Å"Medieval depictions of the last judgment generally showed figures dressed according to their social rank with Christ, the Virgin, and the apostles enthroned in heaven (Soppy, 2009, p. 98). Michelangelo painting illustrates costly undressed figures grouped together around Christ. Michelangelo even included a self-portrait as SST. Bartholomew, who was flayed alive (Soppy, 2009, p. 98). The Renaissance period also Saw a rise in portraits. In the Middle Ages, to commission a portrait of oneself was considered prideful and vain (Soppy, 2009, p. 99). With humanism shaping the Renaissance, this all changed and prominent individuals wanted to be amortized in paintings and sculptures. Just as the paintings and sculptures became more beautiful during the Renaissance, so did the architecture. The architect Leon Battista Alberta â€Å"called for the building of beautiful cities worthy of humiliatingly inclined men and women of virtue†(Soppy, 2009, p. 112). Alberta felt that architecture should be a social art, and each building should be planned in relation to its social functions and setting (Soppy, 2009, p. 1 12). While architects still used and modified classical models, they felt free to make exciting innovations (Soppy, 2009, p. 87). Architecture Of the Renaissance boldly departed from medieval styles and conventions. Likewise, literature written during the Italian Renaissance was beginning to change. Writers such s Niccole Machiavelli attempted to understand human nature. While medieval political theorists were under the agreement that politics was a branch of ethics. Niccole Machiavelli in his political book The Prince argues that since people are basically bad, rulers may have to behave inappropriately as well (Soppy, 2009, p. 81). In addition to Latin, which was the language of the Church, humanist writers began to use the vernacular. Italian Renaissance humanism differed from the humanist movement that developed in Northern Europe. While both shared a revival of classical learning, northern humanists were driven by religious ideals. Northern humanists placed more of an emphasis on man being the highest of God’s creatures (Nickels, 2000). How to cite Renaissance, Papers Renaissance Free Essays How Did the Renaissance Change Man’s View of Man? The Renaissance was a period of big change peasants become more self-sufficient. More and in European history. It was a time of intellectual more serfs gained their freedom and no longer excitement, when art and literature blossomed depended on lords. We will write a custom essay sample on Renaissance or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some freed serfs migrated and groundbreaking scientific advances were made. Over the course of about 300 years , the Renaissance spread from its home base in Italy to western and northern Europe. The effect was like a sunrise making its way across the land. To understand the changes the Renaissance produced, it helps to review what European society was like before it arrived. The time period before the Renaissance is usually called the Middle Ages, which stretched from the fall of the Roman Empire around 500 CE to about 1350. During the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope were the primary players in Europe. The custodians of culture -that is, the people who owned most of the books and made handwritten copies of the Bible -were priests who often lived a closed existence inside the walls of monasteries. School s were few. Illiteracy was widespread. Most of the population, more than 85 percent, was peasant farmers called serfs who worked for a lord and his estate. Serfs were little more than slaves. Both serfs and their masters looked to the Catholic Church and the Bible to explain the world. The art and literature that existed focused on Jesus Christ and sin. In the sass, important changes began to happen. Improved farming methods helped to towns, where they took up trades. The number of merchants and bankers increased. Since these people needed to have an education to effectively carry on their work, literacy spread. Eventually, educated people began to question the teachings of the Church. A movement called humanism developed, which praised the beauty and intelligence of the individual. As more people became educated, humanism worked its way into the arts, literature, the sciences, and medicine. The early Renaissance was especially vigorous in the city-states of Italy -places like Rome, Venice, Florence, and Milan. The invention of he printing press in the mid-sass gave the Renaissance and humanism even more momentum. Initially, the Remains seance was an upper-middle class movement, but thanks to the mechanization of printing, shopkeepers and street sweepers were able to afford books and articles that discussed the new ideas spreading across Europe. As a result, people started to look at themselves in a new way. But what, exactly, was this new way? Examine the documents that follow and answer the question: How did the Renaissance change man ‘s view foeman ? How to cite Renaissance, Papers Renaissance Free Essays The early Renaissance began about the time Barbarian painted the Adoration of the Magi. His purpose was to use a gorgeous surface using a rainbow of colors and adding a display of gold for the aristocrats of the time. This was to separate his works from the Gothic style of the past. We will write a custom essay sample on Renaissance or any similar topic only for you Order Now Soon an artist named Mosaic began his career and changed nearly everything about painting. The frescos that he painted used episodes all In the same painting, not Just one subject. The figures were highlighted with light at an angle against a dark background, giving the illusion of a cultural relief and adding the visual effect of 3 dimensions. He used light to give human figures and fabric a form which enhanced the visual realism. The figures were arranged in a circular group, shown in a landscape with a foreground and a background with blurring lines to give distance and depth making it more realistic in nature. Mosaic also began using mathematical proportions for buildings, and figures in his compositions. This became Realism based on observation and based also on mathematics to lad the pictorial organization. Evolving from this came more 3 emotional forms, perspective which had little to do with math, and the arrangement of solid forms In space. Linear perspective began during this time as a new technique, this Is when there Is a vanishing point with receding lines. Advance used this technique In his â€Å"The Last Supper†to create a measurable realistic space which enhanced the realism of the Renaissance style. Donate was one of the finest sculptors of this period and thought methodically in a new way, the body provides the framework on which fabric drapes, therefore it must be considered first. This pioneered the â€Å"realism†in sculpture. Early Renaissance Architecture was known by the characteristics of a sculptor Fillip Brucellosis. After a trips to Rome this Artist/turned Architect began developing the system of geometric linear perspective. He also solved the architectural problem of construction of a dome for the unfinished Cathedral of Florence. This was 140 feet wide and coot not be bullet with buttresses as the smaller domes had been. He was the first person In history to accomplish building a raised dome, designed googol section, the also using a double shell to the dome with a skeleton of 24 ribs. For visual stability he added a lantern on top. This man had to invent machines to help him accomplish this feat. His style deviated from the usual series of round arches supported by flat columns with pilasters that hold a flat untreatable. The style stressed horizontals, symmetry, classical elements of the time such as Corinthian capitals, pilasters and windows topped by pediments. This man began â€Å"logic†in design and used the same clarity in the San Lorenz (Basilicas Church) and Santos Spirits (another Basilicas Church. He began changing the proportions of buildings consistently using 1:2. This meant that the nave was twice as high as it was wide and the arcade and clerestory were of equal height. In summation the height of the arcade was equal to the width of the nave. He was the first to use a Renaissance split placing faith In reason rather than emotions. Using shapes such as squares or round domes to cover space, he began a new style. The interiors of his churches used dark pilasters on light walls which Architects use proportion to create harmonium masses and special volumes. Rhythm was used in the Renaissance by Leon Battista Alberta used it to articulate the fade of the Church of Santa Andrea. The repeating vertical rhythm of pilasters marks off one quarter intervals across the front which also includes the logic as mentioned before. Surrealism was not exactly a style but a way of life. The surrealists appreciated the logic of dreams the mystery of the unconscious, and the lure of the bizarre, the irrational and the marvelous. This era began in the early sass’s and basically began with the use of real objects and transforming them into an unreal state. One example is Oppenheim Object (Luncheon in Fur), a teacup covered in fur, along with the saucer and spoon realistic but not for use. Salvador Dali was probably the most famous as one of his paintings (The Persistence of Memory) sometimes described as melted watches, the forms are precise but could not be real. It seems to portray that time stopped but is also melting away. This tends to be fantasy, which would be the opposite of the Renaissance Period which would be considered realism. Another example would be Joan Mirror’s Carnival of the Harlequin which can offer a Surrealist view off Spanish painting. This Mirror fantasy world is filled with little creatures including animals and fish, with insects and a snake or two as well as abstract forms that appear to be attending a party. The imagery here is cheerful. It is in contrast to the utter stillness of the Dali work that was mentioned before. The movement and lively dreams in this work is lighthearted and bright in color. How to cite Renaissance, Papers Renaissance Free Essays Summary about Renaissance Renaissance is the Fresh term was used to describe an entire period of rebirth – â€Å"rebirth†of ancient traditional, took as its foundation the art of Classical antiquity, but transformed that tradition by the absorption of recent developments in the art of Northern Europe and by application of contemporary scientific knowledge. It is the painting, sculpture and decorative arts of that period of European history known as the â€Å"Renaissance†, parallel with developments which occurred in philosophy, literature, music and science. It started in Italy, take place between the 4th and 17th centuries and then spread throughout the European countries in the 16th century. We will write a custom essay sample on Renaissance or any similar topic only for you Order Now It emerging as a distinct style in Italy. Renaissance art history, especially the Italian Renaissance was divided into the 3 stages: _ Early Renaissance (about 1420 – 1490/1500) High Renaissance (about 1490/1500 – 1520) Late Renaissance or Mannerism The first stage of the Renaissance starting from the city of Firemen (Florence) with the statue of Denotable, Gibber picture of the relief, frescoes by Mosaic and the construction of Fillips Brucellosis. The second stage of the Renaissance. This stage was the peak of the Renaissance. This is the time to reach perfection and harmony. The central of this period is the city of Rome of Pope. This is a time of architectural sketches for the church of SST. Peter in Rome Aberrant, the most famous paintings of Leonardo ad Vinci, Raffle’s, statues and frescoes of Michelangelo and the works of Albrecht etchings Udder. After that period is the Late Renaissance or Mannerism is characterized by many different art trends. Mannerism tends to overstate the treasures of the Renaissance shape (Ex: describing the human body in some actives). The last stage of the Late Renaissance period gradually transformed into Baroque style. But the Renaissance did not occur in a pattern quite similar across Europe. In the spirit of the Renaissance and the early start blooming in Italy in particular, are all influential in painting, sculpture and architecture is not until about 1500 or later Renaissance began in the North of Europe and also the dominant one, and brought several national character. In countries other than Italian architecture and sculpture is influenced more painting. During this period appeared many famous characters tit the works left a huge impact on humanity in all fields of painting, architecture and sculpture,†¦ In which have to mention to painter Raphael, one of the three artists had a great influence to the Renaissance art. Rafael Sansei ad Robin or Raphael Sansei (1483 – 1520), was born in eastern Italy. He was an Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance. His work is admired for its clarity of form and ease of composition and for its visual achievement of the Napoleonic ideal of human grandeur. Together with Michelangelo and Leonardo ad Vinci, he forms the rotational trinity of great masters of that period. Different from Leonardo and Michelangelo, Raphael is a person knows how to combine both the most difficult combination: ancient traditions and contemporary, the legendary life, sanctity close to earth And with this combination that made the immortal works with the layout synthesis monumental nature of the Renaissance style. Raphael was a student of painter Pitter Perusing (1450-1523). In the first period, he painted many paintings are influenced by teachers, such as: SST. Niccole (Saint Niccole ad Titillation Altarpiece 1 501 . Museum of Captioned, Naples); Jesus crucified on the cross (The Crucifixion 1502 . National Gallery London);†¦ In 1504, when he was 21 years old, he went to Florence and meticulous study about the works of earlier masters. He met Leonardo ad Vinci and Michelangelo in here. During 4 years in Florence, Raphael painted many paintings, including the famous paintings such as Notre Dame and two lines with 5 holy throne (the Madonna and Child enthroned with Saints 5- 1505. Metropolitan Museum, New York), SST. Michael and the dragon (Saint Michael and the Dragon – 1505. Louvre, Paris), Portrait of Angelo Don (Portrait of Angelo Don 1506. Patti Gallery, Florence), hypertension (The entombment in 1507. Division competition Brothers, Rome) In 1508, Raphael was invited to work in Rome by Pope Julius II. In here, he has many world-famous works such as debate sacramental (Dispute 1509-1510, Vatican, Rome), Athens School (The School of Athens, 1510-1511. Vatican, Rome). Especially the 1 series is very beautiful religious paintings: Lady Alba (the Alba Madonna. 1511. Washington National Gallery), most notably painting Lady Sistine (The Sistine Madonna, 1512-1513. Dressed Museum) . This masterpiece is the culmination and summary of Christian paintings. In 1512, Raphael painted the Sistine Dame cathedral Saint Sixth. He painted the Sistine Dame cathedral Saint Sixth. The painting is balanced composition, with 6 characters clever, creating sustainable stability triangle as desired longevity of the church. The peak stately and imposing is also the focus of the painting is the Virgin Mary holding the Child Jesus expresses the psychological shadow deeply through, demeanor, eye contact, such as a human prediction born to do great things extraordinary. Raphael used the art space, light and dark, color creates a halo around Mary and the Child Jesus and the direction it faces two SST. Barbara Saint Sixth and to the Lord, to honor Mary and Baby Jesus, all floating in the foreground may. Ben picture below is the upstream direction by two angels. Color paintings portray a solemn but very close. This painting is a great summation of Raphael on the subject of religion and love to your mother ever after no one could pass. â€Å"Sistine Madonna†by Raphael, from 1754 has been moved to Dressed, Germany. And, since then, it is seen as a symbol of this city. How to cite Renaissance, Papers Renaissance Free Essays Renaissance 14th-17th Century -meaner â€Å"revival†, also, ‘rebirth’ revival of interest in ancient Greek, Roman culture, humanist scholars attempted to rid feudal Europe of Church domination and conservatism -old sciences revived, new science emerged -national languages and cultures took shape, free from Roman Church authorityâ€â€art and literature flourished -began in Florence Italy, spread to all of Europe Due to its geographic position, foreign trade and commerce developed in Italy. – accumulation of wealth Rise of Humanism As wealth accumulated in Italy, an increased interest in other things. Nun, academies, libraries, study. We will write a custom essay sample on Renaissance or any similar topic only for you Order Now Time and money for things of beauty. Intellectuals freed from training of priests and spreading Christian faith, began to represent the views of the bourgeoisie, providing middle class with new philosophies and ideas – . –heart humanist philosophy †The greatness of man†. See page 131, Shakespeare quotation â€â€promotion of wealth, pleasure, admiration for human body medieval brooding about death and ‘other world’ replaced by interest in living for resent and future progress of mankind. Literature Vacation â€Å"Dodecahedron†-tale of 7 women and 3 men on way to escape Black Death. Witty, naughty, praise of true love, wisdom. Began to express the voices of modern society. Considered greatest prose achievement in medieval literature. Patriarch- â€Å"Canneries†book of lyrical songs. His works expressed ‘true’ emotions. Art A break with medieval tradition at end of 13th c. Slowed up by Black Death. Revived Early 1 5th century, a decided break with medieval tradition. -art broke away from Church domination –artists, considered craftsman by church, became distinct class like writers and poetsâ€â€those considered to do ‘noble’ work. â€â€themes once focused on Bible, now reflected an interest/appreciation for all aspects of man and nature. Reflected reality in depictionâ€â€muscles, sinews, and so on . Artists studied ruins of ancient roman and Greek temples, putting many of the perceived principles of ancient civilization into their works. Also, individual collectors began to support themâ€â€rather than Church exclusively. -introduced into the works, scientific theories and principles of anatomy and proportion. Early artists Sotto?more realistic depiction of space Donatedâ€â€sculptor, sought to intro. Ancient principles into his work, also engaged in anatomy for knowledge of body. â€Å"David†, a biblical hero in perfect proportions. High Renaissance Leonardo dad Vinci â€Å"Renaissance man†Scientist, architect, engi neer, sculptor. â€Å"Mona Lisa†, â€Å"Last Supper†2 of the most famous paintings in world. Scientist, architect, engineer, sculptor. Michelangelo sculptor, painter, architect, poet went beyond decoration and realism, sought freedom of expression. â€Å"David†, â€Å"Sistine Chapel†Raphael Sweetness of temper, harmony, balance Series of Madonna paintings, †School of Athens†â€â€depicting Plato and Aristotle arguing, surrounded by audience in variety of postures. Titian Great colorist, became a model for the later modern mode of painting. Also established oil paint on canvas as the typical medium in western art â€Å"Reclining Nude†, â€Å"Sacred and profane love†. How to cite Renaissance, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Effects of having a romantic relationship while studying free essay sample
Puppy love and childhood crushes turn to teenage dating activities for at least half of all high school students. With the onset of adolescence, teens spend less time with family and more time with peers. In the early teen years, mixed-gender groups predominate by mid-teens, up to two-thirds of high school students report they have dated or are in a romantic relationship. Having a boyfriend or girlfriend in high school can have significant effects on a teenager’s social development and personal identity. On the other side there are also healthy teen-dating relationships some of their characteristics are open communication and trust between partners of nearly the same age, says Sarah Sorenson in â€Å"Adolescent Romantic Relationships,†published online by the ACT for Youth Center of Excellence.Experts disagree on the impact of having a boyfriend or girlfriend in high school, with some experts expressing concern for the need for personal identity before becoming involved in a dating relationship, while others believe that teen dating is an important part of the process of establishing self-identity. We will write a custom essay sample on Effects of having a romantic relationship while studying or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Benefits of dating while in high school include the development of social skills, interdependence, cooperation, empathy, and sensitivity. Also, young people spend a great deal of time thinking about, talking about, and being in romantic relationships (Furman, 2002), yet adults typically dismiss adolescent dating relationships as superficial. Young people do not agree: half of all teens report having been in a dating relationship and nearly one-third of all teens said they have been in a serious relationship (Teenage Research Unlimited, 2006). Although most adolescent relationships last for only a few weeks or months, these early relationships play a pivotal role in the lives of adolescents and are important to developing the capacity for long-term, committed relationships in adulthood.Romantic relationships become increasingly significant in the lives of young people as they move from early to late adolescence. Although dating has not yet begun, in early adolescence (ages 10-14) most youths are very preoccupied with romantic issues. Youth at this age spend significant amounts of time in mixed-gender groups that intensify their romantic interest and may eventually lead to romantic relationships (Connolly, Craig, Goldberg, Pepler, 2004). Romantic relationships are central to social life during the middle to late adolescence (ages 15-19). Three-fourths of teens age 16-18 report having had a relationship, dated, or â€Å"hooked up†with someone and half of these youth have had a serious boyfriend or girlfriend (Teena ge Research Unlimited, 2006). Many youths in middle to late adolescence report spending more time with their romantic partner than with friends and family (Furman Schaffer, 2003).
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