Thursday, September 3, 2020
Important cultural meaning of bad men Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Significant social importance of terrible men - Essay Example ld the social qualities and have given prime significance to music as society stories, jokes, melodies, etc in their day by day schedules and utilized for work, play, conveying, in any event, when they are in cheerful or in miserable mood.2 They made the creature characters as tricksters.3 This has been the wellspring of motivation to the majority. The African Americans thought about the cheat, for example, Railroad Bill, the gallant figure who had the capacity to impact their lives and have strived difficult to mock the whites and get the reconstruction. The longest lived awful men were Stagolee who clashed with Billy Delyon which represents the battle of dark man’s battle for fairness with whites.5 Regardless of the shameful acts, the customary practices were carefully trailed by the superhuman figures, for example, John Henry, banjo player, who had a wonderful baritone voice, and was the most grounded, quickest, most influential man taking a shot at the rails as a â€Å"steel driver†. 6Shine who was a Stoker in the boat had the capacity to spare the lives of hundreds from the indented Titanic and to restrict the amazing rivals. 7 There were superheroes who developed successful in the racial progression. Jack Jackson endeavored to make the presence in the boxing scene and turned into the main dark overwhelming weight champion. 8 On the other hand, Joe Louis turned into a mainstream figure in boxing and had the option to outperform the shading segregation. Along these lines the combination of race was changed by the donning scene. 9 It was properly said by Lawrence Levine, â€Å"In the twentieth century the pantheon of legends turned out to be progressively changed and adaptable, mirroring the more prominent decent variety and heterogeneity that were the products of opportunity, portability and urbanization.†10 Levine, Lawrence W. â€Å"Black Culture and Black Consciousness†, Web.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Nature of the English Language
European Union Debt - Essay Example The European Union obligation emergency was a combination of complex components on the planet showcase. The globalization of money and help of simpler access to credit in 2002-2008 period improved dangerous loaning and getting among the part states. In addition, the financial strategies, exchange lopsided characteristics and property bubbles quickened the dept status (Dikson, Julie, and Pavlos 30). The legislatures were losing cash following the financial framework bailouts to defaulters of the property bubble. Besides, the benefits responsibilities and the unreasonable open wages expanded the obligation level (Lynn 11). The expanded capital and reserve funds in the worldwide pool of the European Union and different speculators set the strategy and administrative structures in the part nations. This is on the grounds that moneylenders and borrowers rushed to execute along these lines producing financial air pockets in every mainland (El-Agraa 39). A decrease in the fiscal worth brought about noteworthy misfortunes and decreases in property estimations. In any case, the liabilities owed to the worldwide financial specialists stayed at steady costs bringing about significant misfortunes to the borrowers and bankruptcy of banks and government (Crifoì€ 30). As indicated by Sanghera (21), the Northern nations, for example, Norway and Sweden, had the option to adapt to the emergency on the grounds that their administrations loaned funding to property engineers. This created gigantic property bubbles. At the point when the air pockets fallen, their legislatures and residents accepted private obligations. These decreased over the top weight to the administration to rescue the country. After some time, these countries had the option to hold a reasonable monetary situation with better business rate. In Greece, be that as it may, the administration improved its duty to the open workers by encouraging higher wages and benefits settlements. Remarkably, the work wage bill multiplied exponentially in genuine terms. Additionally, the financial frameworks became rapidly making gigantic outer
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9
Diary - Essay Example Around the same time I began to inquire about McGraw Hill Publishing which I ought to have started a lot before for the subtleties of my business class. I was attempting to discover the meaning of adoration. Different fascinating inquiries were upsetting me. I was imagining that when anyone is in contact with somebody for a long while then whether he/she would be enamored with that individual. On September 16, I went to visit the grave of my mom joined by my sibling. In the wake of coming to there we found that the entryways were shut. I questioned whether we would achieve anything by imploring from the doors of grave as opposed to doing it from the grave. After that we ate together. We made some great memories together after a long while. On that day my dad had a battle with my progression mother and indeed the issue of battling was my sibling. I figure my sibling ought to disregard her (my progression mother) on the off chance that he can not have share sound connection with her. On September 19, I was unable to get up ahead of schedule and subsequently I missed the petitions. I was disturbed in light of the fact that the supplication happens once every year and I missed it due to my sluggishness. I understood that next time I have to get up promptly toward the beginning of the day with the goal that I can achieve it in time. September 19 was a decent occasion, on the grounds that my sister and her significant other went to our place and went through the day with us. It was quite exhausting to remain regularly at a vacant house just with my folks. On that day a fascinating inquiry came in my brain. I solicited myself whether the idea from discarding all transgressions into a fish bowl truly bode well or not. The most recent day started with the visit to the place of worship. On this day, my brother by marriage got the opportunity to see a strange sight. It was about the slaughtering of fish in the gathering place. He was not happy with the sight. We didn't have such emotions as we had gotten very accustomed to it. It was a moving occasion for me. I learnt
English essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
English - Essay Example ifies lost contact with authenticity, just as an overestimation of a person’s own capacities or ability, particularly when the individual showing it is in a place of power or force (Moore 34). To consider whether hubris rises to arrogance, it is crucial to investigate the qualities of the two, which this paper saw as amazingly comparative. People who experience the ill effects of these two imperfections have an unmistakable self-center in relational relations. They additionally have an issue in continuing satisfying connections. Another quality of the two is that individuals need passionate mindfulness (Moore 67). Different characteristics incorporate issue with compassion, issues separating the self from others, response to any maltreatment or envisioned maltreatment, shortcoming to disgrace rather than blame, pleased non-verbal communication and submissiveness towards people who certify and respect them. Individuals who experience the ill effects of these two deformities additionally loathe people who don't care for them. They utilize others without remembering the expense of doing as such. They claim to be more huge than they, as a general rule, are. They boast (astutel y yet energetically) and overemphasize their accomplishments, contending to be gifted in a ton of things. At last, people who experience the ill effects of these deformities don't see or watch the world from the view of others in that they are for the most part refusal of appreciation and regret (Emmons 291). Hubris and neurosis may exist in every single person. Pundits contend that the two are a special state from which an individual builds up the adoration or friendship object. Shelley (34) contends that sound hubris or egotism is an imperative component of typical development. As indicated by Shelley (56), the fondness of the guardians for their youngsters and their attitude toward their kid could be seen as a generation and restoration of their own hubris or neurosis. The kid has an intensity of consideration; the guardians stimulate that feeling since, in their kids, they watch the things, which they have never
Friday, August 21, 2020
Great Gatsby: American Dream
As time streams everlastingly on, the fantasies which man assembles Its self upon are inclined to change. All through American history the American dream has changed from being one which propelled and took care of the expectations of individuals everywhere throughout the nation, to its twenties' ruined understanding, where everything spun around cash and status. This subject is communicated in different characters and all the more explicitly Gatsby who is a prime case of such corruption.The troublesome destruction of Gatsby in F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby, signals the unwinding of the American dream. In the start of the novel Gatsby dream is unadulterated in its underlying structure. Beginning his fantasy is Just similar to any other's, unified with brilliance and a superior life for himself as he accepted he merited. Inevitably he gain his fantasy of wealth, this being reflected In his new life In the West Egg with his house being shiny new separated from the Ivy covering It has alongside his tremendous measure of yard zone. Fitzgerald 9) Gatsby gives uncommon consideration to his yard likewise, developing It as he did with his ascent to fortune and controlling most subtleties separated from one segment permitted to develop wild, which was an Indo to see the inward unrest of Gatsby. This nervousness inside is helped by the way that one of Gatsby driving thoughts in the book was to When the acknowledgment hits that Gatsby dream is turning into a misguided feeling of its self, the peruser is compelled to look further into the character of Gatsby and who he truly is.This prompts the disclosure of Gatsby constantly living previously, in many cases manufacturing a story to cause himself to appear to be all the more friendly and removed from what he genuinely is, leaving the peruser pondering â€Å"if there wasn't something a little vile about him all things considered. (Fitzgerald 69) These propensities drove Gatsby to gloat about what materialistic Items he has today and what he can give himself as well as other people. For example, when Gatsby Is feeling restless about Daisy coming over for tea he cuts his own yard for a feeling of control at that point stretches out his control to likewise â€Å"[send someone] over to cut [Nick's] grass. (Fitzgerald 88) Eventually, Gatsby possessive sentiments lead to the debasement of his fantasy about prevailing upon Daisy since he starts to need to have her too. The last defining moment In the novel identifying with Gatsby trouble with his fantasy is he peaking battle among Tom and himself over Daisy. Gatsby being so ruined now, that he hollers and powers his alleged genuine romance to disclose to her significant other she never cherished him. (Fitzgerald 139) In the end this really drives Daisy away more and go into the arms of her significant other, Tom.Within Fitzgerald tale the American dream was once observed as a maturing new idea however In the end neglected to blossom because of the co nditions wherein the characters, explicitly Gatsby, took to discover their course to their accepted joy. Incredible Gatsby: American Dream By Instrumentalists As time streams everlastingly on, the fantasies which man assembles its self upon are In the start of the novel Gatsby dream is unadulterated in its underlying structure. Beginning accepted he deserved.Eventually he gain his fantasy of wealth, this being reflected in his new life in the West Egg with his chateau being pristine separated from the covering it has alongside his tremendous measure of grass region. (Fitzgerald 9) Gatsby gives unique consideration to his garden additionally, developing it as he did with his ascent to fortune cap one of Gatsby driving ideas in the book was to materialistic things he has today and what he can give himself and others.Such as when Gatsby is feeling on edge about Daisy coming over for tea he cuts his own cut [Nicks] grass. †(Fitzgerald 88) Eventually, Gatsby possessive emotions le ad to The last defining moment in the novel identifying with Gatsby trouble with his fantasy is simply the peaking battle among Tom and over Daisy. Gatsby being so ruined idea yet at long last neglected to sprout because of the conditions wherein the
Monday, August 3, 2020
8 Phone Interview Tips That Will Land You A Second Interview
8 Phone Interview Tips That Will Land You A Second Interview To get a second phone interview you need to balance the arts of intrigue, suspense and etiquette during your first phone interview. How? Combine the skills of sales, storytelling and James Bond.The advice is the same whether you’re on a phone call for a job interview, investor interview, or for a chance to audition for a Broadway play. (The advice also applies to first dates and marketing new businesses.)Create an adventure story that your mother, best friend, and business partner can get excited about.Keep it clean, keep it real, keep it relevant.Your goal is to create an intriguing positive impact.At the end of the call you need to leave the interviewer wanting more and excited to showcase your potential.What adventures should you share?How do you share them?1. PHONE INTERVIEW TIP: PAUSE LIKE JAMES BONDJames Bond speaks only when relevant. He doesn’t divulge too much information. He doesn’t talk too fast. He does not hesitate. He pauses.An answer to a question as simple as asking a name exudes confidence. With three words, and one pause, James Bond intrigued the interviewer and suspense floated in the air.“Bond. James Bond.†Hear his voice and listen to the pause. Say it out loud, just as James Bond would.“Bond.†Bond who? Just Bond? Is Bond his first name or last name? I’m intrigued. I’m in suspense. Tell me more!“James Bond.†Now you have all the information. “Bond†is repeated, so you are more likely to remember the name.Pauses are not hesitations. Agent 007 doesn’t respond to question saying “Bond. Er, James Bond.†If your mind flows faster than your spoken words, practice pausing. Psychologists train people to pause while speaking to help with impulsiveness, speech disturbances and speech fluency.To get that second job interview, you must be concise. When your mind moves fast, spoken words can jumble. To be concise, use a pause.To get that second interview, you must listen to the interviewer. Pausing before answeri ng a question helps you focus.How long is a pause?The tactic of pausing is different for phone interviews than it is for public speaking.Time is relative.Five minutes to be on hold during a phone conversation or wait for a fast food order is painfully long. Five minutes to get through security at an airport is cause for celebration.Seth Godin suggests a ten second pause for a public speech, but if you go without speaking on a phone for ten seconds, the interviewer will think you’ve been disconnected, distracted, or that you’re dumbfounded.When you’re done reading this article, view the scene from “Dr. No†in which James Bond introduces himself for the first time. In this 1962 movie, the pause between “Bond†and “James†is around two seconds. The impact is profound. 2. Pitch Low. (Not a grenade, your voice.) Change the Tone of Your VoiceThe pitch of your voice is the range from low to high.Men tend to have larger vocal folds than women, and the size of your vocal fold contributes to the pitch of your voice. Testosterone levels can affect voice levels in men, and estrogen can affect voice pitches in women.Sinuses, nutrition, sleep and exercise also contribute to voice pitch.The audio frequency of females is often twice as high as the frequency level of men.Mean Fundamental Frequency of Men vs. Women: Source for data: Erwan Pépiot.It’s no surprise babies and puppies prefer higher pitched sounds and adults equate low-pitched voices with leadership and dominance.Can you change genetics and centuries of social perceptions before your phone interview? No. Butâ€"You can manage your phone interview impression with voice pitch frequency levels. When we end a sentence with a declaration, “The name is James Bond,†we end it with a low pitch. When we ask a question “What is your name?†we use a higher pitch. Say those two sentences out loud.Asking questions is certainly a leadership quality, but filling your interview with more declarative statements than questions will help tame a high voice. If you need to achieve likability and have a tremendously low-pitched voice or an overly-aggressive past, pepper your conversation with more questions.A 2011 edition of the Journal of Evolution and Human Behavior carried a study that demonstrated low-pitched voices are an advantage during elections.This is important because you are essentially trying to win an election in your phone interview.However, the same study also pointed out that lower voices are preferable during wartime environments, and higher pitched voices are preferable during peaceful environments.An interview for a job running a day care center will be more successful with a higher pitched voice, and an interview for a job to run a private prison will be more successful with a lower pitched voice.How can you be sure to win that second phone interview if you have a high-pitched voice?You can do more than just manage your sentence structure. Take professional voice lessons.Not practical?Search for “Daily Elocution Exercises†and develop a daily voice exercise routine so you can master the interview. Simple introductory voice exercise: Find your everyday pitch. Say your first name out loud in your standard conversational voice.Repeat your name at three higher levels.Now go back to your standard con versational level.Repeat your name at three lower levels.Repeat the exercise with your name in a sentence. “My name is James Bond.â€Find a pitch that is close to your ideal pitch and comfortable for you.Talk to yourself in that pitch, and gradually increase sentences in length and complexity.Record yourself on your phone and review the audio to make sure you sound natural.3. Design Your Phone Interview with a Pitch PatternIn suspense movies, the action rises and subsides. The same goes for talking. A pitch pattern is also known as intonation. Notice the difference between the following sentences as you read them out loud (put emphasis on the capitalized words):I caught the bad guy. It was fun.I CAUGHT the bad guy. It was SO much fun.I CAUGHT the BAD GUY! It was SOOO much FUN!It’s easy to tell from the above example who the more enthusiastic person is.However, you don’t want overkill during the phone interview.Enthusiasm and self-regulation are required during phone interviews . Jobs requiring an enthusiastic personality still require professionalism, and venture capitalists seeing someone enthusiastic about a business still wants to see someone who can calmly recognize and manage the negative points of the business.Emphasis on a word implies passion and enthusiasm, but it is also a tool you can use to help compare and contrast.Emphasizing one name over another gives importance to the name that is emphasized. Emphasizing the words “had†or “past†or “future†can help frame events. Emphasizing feeling words will emphasize emotions. “The clients were THRILLED with my suggestion.â€Emphasize what’s important as it relates to your skills. It’s important you “CAUGHT†the bad guy, because you are trying to prove that you have the skills to perform the job. “Bad guy†does not need to be emphasized, unless the bad guy is a client that your interviewer would kill to have (not literally).A lawyer might emphasize “I CAUGHT the CHIEF OF PO LICE in a lie on the witness stand.†That would not be overkill.An entrepreneur could safely emphasize to an investor “…then I LANDED the multi-million-dollar account to manage archives for JAMES BOND.â€The skills are important, and the account holder is significant. Emphasis approved (calmly) by England. Don’t get too excited.Pauses are also used for emphasis. The pause between “Bond†and “James Bond†also occurs after the word “shaken†when Bond orders his vodka martini “…shaken. Not stirred.†Two of the most memorable Bond phrases have a similar pause.4. Speak at the Speed LimitJames Bond can floor an Aston Martin while dodging bullets, but if you want to drive in your speaking points, keep your speaking speed at an acceptable range.You don’t want to roll answers off your tongue as fast as an Aston Martin Vulcan or spout them out as slow as a 1950 Mini-Cooper. (In case you’re wondering, the Aston Martin Vulcan can go from 0-60mph in under three se conds, the 1959 Mini-Cooper takes almost 30 seconds to go from 0-60mph.)A conversational tone of voice runs about 100-125 words per minute. Toastmasters recommends a speaking voice of 120-150 words per minute to establish authority. Ted Talks recommends 190 words per minute for public speaking.How to test the speed of your conversational voice:Find a famous speech to read out loud that is at least 500 words.(Try Steve Job’s 2005 Stanford Commencement address. then watch his speech.)Make an indicator mark after every 25 words, and a large mark after the first 150.Set a stopwatch to run for a minute and start reading out loud.Stop after a minute.How many words did you read in that minute?Are you a fast reader or slow speaker? An Exercise for Fast ReadersIf you are a fast reader, use a stopwatch and try saying ONE of the following words in two seconds:PassionStretchDeliciousHappyNow repeat the two second test for each word.Notice your rhythm. Can you slow yourself down? Go back and a pply it to a speech.5. Train and Tame Your Tongue Content AppropriatenessStudies published in the journal Personnel Psychology have shown that when body language is removed, content appropriateness becomes a primary factor in an interviewer’s decision-making process.Are you talking about your work history, or are you talking about your personal history?James Bond did not always exhibit appropriate behavior with women, but he would leave a woman, regardless of the position he was in, if he had to do his job and save England.You may not be saving England, but you are trying to save your future.Focus, and stay on-topic.What content will you be discussing when you pick up the phone?You don’t know. But you better discuss it politely.One of the clear marks of a sales professional, and one that will lead to greater success, is class. â€" Zig ZiglarYou don’t have to wear a suit to have class.You must remain calm and mind your manners during a phone interview.There are interviewers th at interrogate interviewees with accusations to see if they will break under pressure. The interviewer will ask questions to draw out your negative points. Was there a co-worker that really irked you? Why did you lose that client?Hold back your anger. The interviewer may ask you about your worst client, your biggest loss, your worst boss, and your biggest failure. Be emotionally prepared.Take a deep, silent breath before you start and get ready to swim with the sharks.James Bond wouldn’t give out a password after being whipped in a chair. You can refrain from exhaling the evils of your nemesis co-worker or ex-partner during a phone interview.The interviewer won’t tie you up to a chair and torture you, but they may make you feel like you’re being tortured. Don’t lash out. Don’t vent.Bond kept his wits and stayed calm. He didn’t clam up, he gave relevant answers, and moved on.Okay, so you’re not James Bond and you hate phones.Quiet Ways to Reduce Anxiety During a Phone Interview:Walk while you’re talkingFake Smile while you’re talkingQuietly breath in some lavenderWhen the interviewer is talking, breathe through your nose and hold your breath for a few seconds. Keep the phone on your ear, move the mouthpiece away from your face, and exhale slowlyâ€"then answer.Have a vodka martini, shaken, not stirredUse your manners. Manners are an essential part of your impression management.Manners are essential to sales, respect, and professionalism.Even if the company is young and casual and the “F†word flows fluently, the first phone interview requires professionalism.Quite often, the first phone interviewer works outside the company and screens the first group of potential applicants.The interviewerâ€"quite possibly a human resource management professional well versed in all the reasons a company could get suedâ€"is the person you need to impress.Timely Phone EtiquetteIs it a good time to talk? Some phone interviews are scheduled and some are not .Expert interviewers use the element of surprise to see if you can think on your feet.As soon as you know you are on the phone with an interviewer, shush everyone around you with your hands and simultaneously move to a quiet place.If the interview is scheduled, make arrangements for a quiet place ahead of time.If the interview is unscheduled and you’re stuck with noise, explain the situation to the interviewer, but do your best to keep the surroundings quiet. You do want to prove you can manage spontaneous situations.If you have an unexpected phone interview:Tell the interviewer you are happy they called.Tell them how much time you have to talk.If you only have a few minutes to talk, tell them you wish you had more time, and make concrete arrangements for a date and time to continue the interview.If you’re on a cell phone and worried about the battery, explain the situation and get a name and contact number to call the interviewer back.Once the discussion starts, communication b ecomes paramount. Interview content traditionally revolves around your character, skills, problem-solving abilities, and professional relationships.6. Create Your Character with SentencesDesired Character Traits for Phone InterviewsBe modest, not arrogant. Say: “I topped our region’s expectations with $5.5 million in sales.â€Not: “The people I work with are lazy, and I beat everyone’s record with $5.5 million in sales.â€Your statement should be about the company and should not belittle others.Be confident, not insecure.Say: “I’m confident my snowboarding knowledge can be applied to the situation.†Give example.Not: “I think my snowboarding skills will help? What do you think?â€Make your sentences declarative and stay away from vague phrases like “kind of†or “possibly†when you’re describing your skills.Be inquisitive, not annoying.Say: “What types of projects are the most challenging at the company?â€Not: “I have a specific project in mind using m y favorite software that will help me in my career.â€Keep your interest and focus on the company, not your professional and personal advancement.Be honest, not an exaggerator. Say: “I didn’t finish my college degree because I was raising a family and working two jobs.â€Not: “I graduated,†when you didn’t.The interviewer may have already completed an informal background check. Be authentic.Be accountable, not a blamer.Say: “The business went bankrupt, and I now know what I would have done differently.†(List things you would have done differently.)Not: “The business went bankrupt because my partner made stupid decisions.â€If the interviewer sees you place blame on others, you can blame yourself for not getting called back for a second interview. (Even if your partner was stupid.)Be motivated, not a robot. Say: “Business was slow, so I created a new sales pitch.â€Not: “Business was slow and I had nothing to do.â€Interviewers want to know that you can take initiative.7. Spend Time on StorytellingInterviews aren’t all one-sentence answers.You’ll need to answer some questions about your skills, problem-solving abilities, and professional relationships. Stories are your tools.Be prepared for “Tell me about a time…†and be prepared to make yourself the main character of an intriguing story.To find your story, channel some Zig Ziglar and apply it to your storytelling:Ask yourself what the interviewer wants. The Interviewer wants to know that I can ___________________.Example: The interviewer wants to know that I can manage a team effectively.Think of times when you’ve done that thing the interviewer wants to know. Now think of times you’ve done that thing when times were tough.Imagine your story.What was the root problem in your story?The problem happened because _____________________.Example: Our competitors played dirty. One day, they threw a grenade into the office.How did you solve the root problem?I had _____________ _____ skill/quality/ability/character trait.Because of this, I was able to __________________________.Example: I don’t wait for others to act. I quickly yelled “Grenade! Get under the desks!†and nobody questioned me.The grenade exploded with fragments of our product. We were scared, but not hurt, and we cleaned up the mess together.I felt the team had confidence in me, and it was heartwarming that we all stuck together even after the disaster. I suggested to the CEO we take legal action, and our competitors haven’t bothered us since.Take time to find your stories before your phone interview. Ask yourself why you want the job, or why you are interested in this specific group of investors.Spend some introspective time evaluating the strengths and weaknesses that that were common themes in your lifeâ€"personally and professionally.Define the unique “you†and the skills and quirks you bring to the table. Don’t deceive yourself. Ask others how they perceive you.James Bond was a spy. (Stay with me.)Bond had communication skills, people skills, analytical skills, and athletic skillsâ€"he can prove it.He was not the Head of the Secret Intelligence Service. He did not make all his weapons personally. Bond’s boss “M†was skilled in project management.Agency workers were skilled in data analytics.Gadgets makers were skilled in innovation, engineering and mechanics.It wasn’t just James Bond saving England.Everyone gave their unique contributions.What are yours?They key to a successful interview is to identify your stories ahead of time. Spend time rehearsing them. See if you can recreate them without notes. The glory of a phone interview is that you can have all the notes you want. If you drop them on the floor, no one will see.Write down the bullet points of your stories. Include approximate dates in case you’re asked questions to confirm your employment. Look into your past for odd moments and memorable moments.Then look at your past as a wov en thread of events. What always happens? How do you always act in certain circumstances?Start writing notes on these stories now:Three stories that demonstrate your skills.Three stories that demonstrate problem-solving.A story involving a boss.A story involving a coworker.A story involving a client.Make one version emphasizing your strengths, make another version which identifies your weakness.For each story, make sure you can identify the who, what, where, when, why and how. You can mix and match, but have at least six stories you can pull from.For every weakness you have, write a sentence that turns it into a positive.For instance, James Bond could say, “I’m not an expert at project management like “M,†but I can manage to catch a criminal in a tank full of sharks.†(Of course, he’d never say that because he doesn’t have to prove himself. But you do.)Find a supporting character in your story that complements your weakness. Showcase the complementary teamwork.Try it :I’m not an expert at __________________ like ________________, but I can _____________ and produce ________________________. Having trouble writing a story? Even Ian Fleming uses the basics:A beginning. (A great place to set the scene. Ian Fleming starts with an action scene.)A middle. (What happened and why?)An end. (How did you save the day?)Do not go into intricate details that aren’t relevant unless there is an irrelevant fact that makes the story interesting, odd or intriguing. Do include some intelligent data and promote the gifts you have to offer. Make sure you pause.Use real life experiences. Ian Fleming called his authoritative mother “M†in real life. It’s no coincidence Bond references his boss at M16 by the name of “M.â€The middle of your story should include a plot twist or something unusual. Look back at everyday events. Do you remember a day when things didn’t go as planned?Corporate Bond on phone interview: “I was dancing with my partner to get so me information when she was shot in the back. Nobody noticed. I made sure to remove her from the dance floor carefully so as not to disturb the party.†Your Turn:I was: ____________________ (List traditional event that happened.)Then this happened: _________________ (List the unexpected or unusual.)Everyone: _________________ (List shared reaction.)This is what I did: ________________________ (Tell what skill you used and how you used it.)If you have a story with a funny scene, tell that one. Laughter helps release endorphins, and endorphins may promote togetherness. If your interviewer connects with you, you’re one step closer to getting to that second phone interview.Good storytellers ask questions and make the audience think.You can lead into a question to the interviewer asking if there’s one trait that is common in most hires. If you’re interviewing with a venture capitalist, you can ask what traits portfolio companies share, or how the company handles disasters.Aski ng a question after a story also gives the interview a shorter opportunity to pick apart your story, because their mind will switch focus to your question.8. Dash through the DisasterHandling Disasters During Phone InterviewsA phone disaster can hang up your chance to get a second interview.To increase your chances of being called back for a second interview, expect the unexpected. James Bond acted swiftly to unexpected events, but he was prepared.Disaster prevention for phone interviews:Always line up a private place and time for a scheduled phone interview.Always get the phone interviewer’s name and phone Number at the beginning of a conversation.Always have your phone fully charged before the interview. Have a charger and outlet nearby.Always have your notes, pencil, pen, and paper nearby.Use a landline if you have one available.Keep a glass of water nearby in case you get the awkward cough that doesn’t go away.Have this question written down on a sheet of paper in front of y ou: “May I have a moment to collect my thoughts?†Use it if your mind goes blank. Afraid of freezing on the phone? Afraid you’ll scramble your story?Reach for your life jacket.Keep notes on the facts you’re likely to forget, practice your story, and be prepared to go with the flow. With the right presentation, even mediocre stories can sound great.With all due respect to Harvey Mackay and Swim with the Sharks, the 1965 movie Thunderball demonstrates what to do when you’re drowning in a phone interview. In Thunderball, Bond is trapped underwater in a neighborly backyard shark tank. A shark swims inches from Bond. (He survives.)The real story: The scene was filmed with a presumably dead shark being pulled by a wire and several drugged sharks. James Bond was nervous swimming with the sharks.Impression: An Academy Award winning scene. (Remember, this was 1965.)The real story continued: The “dead†shark had a revival towards the end of the scene.The point: James Bond w as nervous. Movie viewers did not see the wire. The movie won an award. Your interviewer will not see you looking at notes and they won’t see you drowning in sweat from nervousness. Focus on the impression you want to make.Do whatever it takes to finish the scene. Pull the dead shark. When your mind goes blank, use your notes. If you can’t use your notes and you forgot your stories, pause, and ask a question.Alternatively, if your mind does go blank, pause, breathe in, and ask “May I have a moment to collect my thoughts?†then wait for the answer yes. If you can’t get back on your feet in time, keep pulling that dead shark and ask the interviewer if they could please repeat the question. The shark might come alive, and you’ll be back in the game.Fill your mind, and notes, before the interview. Don’t drown in fear, drown in preparation.Always research a company before the interview. James Bond knew his targets.Spy Things to Do Before a Phone Interview:Visit and read th e company website.Scroll through the company’s social media streams.Research the history of the company and mentions in news and other periodicals.Get a feel for the company culture being portrayed.Find the names of executives, human resource managers, your new boss, and the person that will be interviewing you.See what their significant others and family members are posting.Take note of any familiar names or common connections.Do some spy-worthy social media snooping and Googling to see what’s valued. Be sure to check out LinkedIn profiles.If it’s a U.S. public corporation, look at the most recent 10-K report on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) government website.Review stock market history.Make sure you’re familiar with the product line and services offered.Identify the company’s competitive advantage.Review investor relations and sponsors.If applicable, look at public agency records for health and safety.Do a search for the company name using Google Scholarâ €™s case law feature.Review the employment reviews of the company on Glassdoor and industry websites.Review company reviews on Google, Yelp and other review websites.Studies in personnel psychology that have carried through decades show that to have a successful interview, interviewees must:Respond concisely. (Have speaking skills.)Answer questions fully. (Have storytelling skills.)Stay Relevant. (Communicate appropriately with the interviewer.)If you use the eight tips we gave you, you’re sure to have a successful interview.Ending the call and getting the second interviewEnding a phone interview is a bit like ending a sales call. You can’t be too pushy, but you can get some more information.Whether you or the interviewer end the phone call, be sure to do these five things:1. Thank the interviewer in a complimentary manner and use their name.(“Thank you “M†for an intriguing discussion.â€) 2. Ask if you can have their email address for follow-up.(“May I have your email address for follow-up on our discussion?â€)3. Ask if there’s a reason you wouldn’t get a second interview. If they give you a reason, address it.(“Through our discussion, do you think there’s a specific reason I won’t get called for a second interview?†[Interviewer mentions she saw the 1960s movies and how he treated women.]“Oh, my attitude towards women? I’ve since taken classes on sexual harassment in the workplace and have stellar behavior. My boss, also named“M,†will be happy to speak with you. Would you like me to make arrangements for her to contact you?â€)4. Ask who will be conducting the second interview.(“Do you have any insight on the person who will be conducting the second interview?â€)5. Thank the interviewer again by name, mention you’ll look forward to hearing from them, and inquire about the response time frame.(“Thank you, again, “M†for an enlightening interview. I’ll look forward to hearing from you in a few weeks. Is that a reasonable time frame?â€)James Bond has the talent to save England and you have the talent to get a second interview.Follow our tips and you’ll be writing the script for your new life adventure.
Monday, June 22, 2020
The Matter of Detail in a Descriptive Essay
The Matter of Detail in a Descriptive Essay Descriptive essays are essay writings that tend to create deeply involved and vivid reader’s experience. The best essays of this form achieve this open effect by the use of detailed observations and descriptions and not through facts and statistics. These forms of essays are meant to outline the reality with the help of words. Identifying an Idea and Describing It It is normally important to identify exactly what one wants to describe. In addition, mostly descriptive essays tend to focus on the following elements: Experience A certain place A memory A specific object The ultimate focus of descriptive writing is to give details about above-mentioned topics for the reader to clearly imagine the picture in his/her head. Reasons for Writing a Descriptive Essay First, descriptive essays depict what one observes as its core reason. They are normally based on certain agendas and events. Understanding this helps one to focus on the description and imbue ones language with a particular emotion. While writing a descriptive essay one should show the imagery of an idea without telling it. The following examples give the difference between showing and telling. I got tired of taking banquet. As I rested my head against the pinnacle of the chair, my eyelids started to get heavy, and the ends of the empty plate in front of me was blurred with the white table cloth. The initial sentence tells the reader what you got tired of, which was dinner. The second shows exhaustion. The most efficient descriptive essays are gauged by how they effectively show an action the way it happened. This is because they enable readers and the audience to imagine and experience the act matching the description. What is more, it is normally important to focus on the five senses that are closely connected with the detailed side when writing a captivating essay. These include: Sight Sound Smell Touch Taste When one writes his/her descriptions based on the five senses they provide a clear and precise picture to the readers rather than telling them their intentions and thoughts. Quick Guidelines for Writing a Descriptive Essay Jotting down a descriptive essay can seem like an easy task but it can be quite complicated. So it’s normally important to have a quick checklist of questions to guide you through when arranging, drafting, and modifying your essay work. Preparation of a Descriptive Essay Identify the description you want to give. Enlist your reasons for the description. Decide on areas to implore emphasis on. Draft Your Descriptive Essay Choose the senses and textures that are significant for developing the description. Include details that will enable the readers to have a clear impression of your emotion and point of view during your description. Revise Your Description Essay Check for minor details that might have been left out but are vital. Remove any unnecessary wordings in the essay. Check to see whether each paragraph deals with a distinct aspect of the description. Always revise your choice of words to ensure that they describe your intended emotions. Evaluate whether sufficient detail has been included to enable the readers to get a clear and precise picture of your description. To sum up the guidelines given above, it is necessary to mention the importance of detailed writing in descriptive essays. With the help of a thorough depiction of things, readers have the opportunity to picture them in their minds and that is the main purpose of descriptive writing. At AdvancedWriters you can buy a descriptive essay online, 100% custom written from scratch by top-rated academic experts. Place your order now!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Epic of Gilgamesh versus The Book of Mark - 829 Words
In The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Book of Mark, both written by unknown authors, Gilgamesh and Jesus are similarly unstable throughout all aspects of their lives. Gilgamesh and Jesus share the similar personality trait of arrogance. They are very full of themselves and their actions reflect this. A second similarity is Gilgamesh and Jesus face a lot of problems with impulse control. A third similarity of unstableness is Gilgamesh and Jesus are always in need of a companion to help boost their egos. Gilgamesh and Jesus share the many traits of an unstable person. Gilgamesh and Jesus share the same personality trait of being arrogant because they are both constantly in†¦show more content†¦Jesus demonstrates the qualities of an unstable person because he has such a big ego that he does not know when to take a step back from being arrogant. An additional similarity of Gilgamesh and Jesus being unstable is they have no impulse control. In The Book of Mark, Jesus kills a fig tree , and puts a curse on the fig tree by saying â€Å"May no one ever eat fruit from you again,†(Mark 11:14). This is acting with no impulse because Jesus doesn’t realize what effect killing a cursing a fig tree could have on people. The fig tree is a source of food, and does more good for society than bad. He uses his powers for bad when killing the fig tree when he could have used them for good. For instance, Jesus could have used his powers to make it so that the fig tree is always growing fruit year-round, so that there is no off-season. Similarly, Gilgamesh has no impulse control when he is trying to get to Utanapishtim and on his way there he runs into Ur-Shanabi and without thinking: He raised the axe at his side, He drew the sword at his belt, He crept forward, went down towards them, Like an arrow he dropped among them†¦ He seized his arm (†¦) his chest And the stone Charms†¦ He smashed them (and threw them into) the broad sea (X 117-128 Gilgamesh burned his own bridge when he smashed the stones and if he had just taken a minute to understand that Ur-Shanabi was there to possibly help him he would not have beaten up Ur-Shanabi. Both Jesus and Gilgamesh show how unstableShow MoreRelated Gilgamesh, Achilles and the Human Condition Essay3880 Words  | 16 PagesGilgamesh, Achilles and the Human Condition Gilgamesh and Achilles, each heroes of their respective epic tales, embody the whole array of typical heroic attributes. They stand above. They are men set apart. They operate somehow in that area that lies between average mortals and the gods themselves. They are stronger, faster, more wily than those they face in battle. They overcome. They are men who stand alone in their various strengths. They are also susceptible to weakness. Each of themRead MoreImmortality Views Among Different Cultures and Religions2221 Words  | 9 Pagesitems as flowers. It is hypothesized that they buried their dead to put the immortal spirit at rest. Scholars have concluded this after viewing some of the earliest writings on the subject of immortality. These writings include the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh which was written over four thousand years ago. One particular passage describes the spirits at rest due to an appropriate burial while other references are made about the horrible fate of those who were unfortunate enough not to receive an appropriateRead MoreQuestion and Correct Answer7042 Words  | 29 Pagesstruggle do Gilgamesh and Enkidu represent?Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: |   Nature versus civilization | Correct Answer: |   Nature versus civilization | | | | | ï‚ · Question 4 2 out of 2 points | | | What is the Persian Zoroasters greatest contribution to religious thought?Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: |   The emphasis on free will | Correct Answer: |   The emphasis on free will | | | | | ï‚ · Question 5 2 out of 2 points | | | Why is the Epic of Gilgamesh
Monday, May 18, 2020
History Of U.s. And Cuba - 1945 Words
Ben Monroe 23 April 2016 History 153 Professor Thompson The History of the U.S. and Cuba The United States is known for being one of the greatest and strongest countries in the world looking at past events and in this day and age. What might strike some people as shocking is that the U.S. would not be as strong without close ties with other countries or allies. Examples would be France, England, and Canada, plus many more. What people don’t talk about is the U.S.’s rivals or countries that the U.S. has had trouble with in the past leading up to now. One of the most renowned countries is only ninety miles away from the southern tip of Florida and that is Cuba. Cuba is known for the fantastic beaches, some of the most well-known baseball players around, and, of course, Cuban cigars and rum. But, the past with Cuba is not as bright as the U.S. wants it to be because of historical events such as the embargo, the Bay of Pigs, and the Cuban missile crisis during World War II that caused the two countries to separate as allies and close tied nations. Over the pas t year the U.S. and Cuba have been trying to put the past behind them and have diplomatic and cultural relations once again. The last president to visit the nation of Cuba was President Calvin Coolidge in 1928. Since then there has many problems between the two nations. Fourteen months ago President Barrack Obama announced that there would be an effort in trying to normalize relations with Cuba. â€Å"As the President hasShow MoreRelatedCuba Essay796 Words  | 4 PagesAccording to the U.S. Census Bureau (2010), the population of Miami- Dade County, Florida is 2,496,435.In 2010 the total number of Hispanic or Latino residing in Miami-Dade County is 1,623,859, which makes 65 percent of the total population (U.S. Census Bureau 2010). Cubans’ makes up for 34 percent of the total population, totaled to 856,007 (U.S. Census Bureau 2010). Miami is a majority Latino city -- 70 percent of its population is Hispanic. And while Cuban-Americans still comprise over halfRead MoreHow the Cuba Policy Affected trade with the U.S. Today Essay1286 Words  | 6 PagesHow the Cuba Policy Affected trade with the U.S. Today The Cuba Policy came into effect to end all relations between the United States and Cuba. The U.S. policy toward Cuba is controlled by the embargo, which contains economic agreements and restrictions on travel to Cuba. The effect of this policy is to minimize commercial, political and resident relations between the United States and Cuba. The State Department indicated that the purpose of the embargo was to have a nonviolent transition to aRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis During The United States1219 Words  | 5 Pages Dylan Thomas Connolly U.S. History 14 December 2015 The Cuban Missile Crisis In October of 1962 the U.S. entered a conflict called the Cuban Missile Crisis, which is arguably the closest the U.S. has ever come to nuclear war. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a 13-day conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union resulting from the placement of Soviet missiles in Cuba. The Cuban Missile Crisis was considered the climax of the Cold War, a period lasting from about 1947 to 1991, in which a politicalRead MoreEssay on The Cause And Effect Of The Spanish American War953 Words  | 4 Pages something the US had been doing throughout its history (SparkNotes: The Spanish American War, 1898-1901,: Effects of the Treaty). President McKinley was not interested in wars of conquest or of territorial aggression. His interest in expansion was to make the United States first in international commerce and as a means to implement its humanitarian and democratic goals (Faragher, J., Buhle, M. J., Armitage, S. H. ,2008, Out of Many, A History of the American People, 6th ed., Vo l. 2, p. 561)Read More Resopnse To Revolution Essay1155 Words  | 5 PagesReview Response to Revolution Response to Revolution, by Richard E. Welch Jr., is an honest and unbiased look at America’s policy towards Cuba during the Cuban Revolution. It covers the general history of and preconceived notions about the revolution in depth and gives ample attention to both sides of the relationship between the U.S. and Cuba. In addition to this Welch analyzes the reactions of America’s various factions during the early years of the revolution. Upon taking this into a changeRead MoreFidel Castro And The Cuban Revolution943 Words  | 4 PagesRevolution was a revolt against the U.S.-backed Cuban President put together by no other than Fidel Castro himself. This revolution against President Fulgencio Batista started July 1953. This went on for about six years â€Å"until the rebels finally ousted Batista on 1 January 1959, replacing his government with a revolutionary socialist state†(Wikipedia). The rebels or the Movement organization later recreated themselves with comm unist guidelines. On October 1965, Cuba officially became a Communist PartyRead MoreThe War Of The American Civilization Essay952 Words  | 4 PagesIt was in the blood of the Americans. Ever since the pilgrims set foot on Plymouth Rock, a new frontier continued to be confronted. Early in America’s history, this frontier was confronted through westward expansion. Many Americans believed in Manifest Destiny. They were convinced that it was God’s plan for the Anglo-Saxon Americans to expand their culture across the entire continent of North America. For many years, this was enough. The American civilization continued to move westward untilRead MoreThe Significance of the Cuban Missile Crisis Essay1686 Words  | 7 Pagescivilization. In order to understand the importance of the Cuban Missile Crisis one must understand, the Cold war drama; the dangerous crisis; and its importance today. In order to understand the importance of the Cuban Missile Crisis in American history one must first understand the Cold War drama, Castro’s rise to power, and the American operations that set up the crisis. â€Å"The term Cold War refers to the post-World war II global geostrategic, economic, and ideological competition between the EastRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis : Background1620 Words  | 7 PagesThe Cuban Missile Crisis Background The Cuban missile Crisis was an intense Time for the U.S, Cuba and Russia at this time of the period. The cold War was fought into two groups the Western Bloc (The united states and NATO the allies and other countries.) The Nato also known as North Atlantic Alliance. NATO was intergovernmental military alliance compacted based by the North Atlantic Treaty signed on 4, 1949. The NATO a system of defense and if a country that was being attack by another country orRead MoreEssay on Imperialism771 Words  | 4 Pages Imperialism DBQ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Throughout American History the U.S. has sought to expand its boundaries. This need increased greatly during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century with the start of the industrial revolution. This Expansion was a big departure from earlier attempts to expand the boundaries of the U.S. The needed for Natural resources forced the U.S to look for places that could supply them with the natural resources they needed and markets where they
Monday, May 11, 2020
Assimilation Of Secondary Society The Story Of Doris Is...
Assimilation to secondary society Many people sought out to identify their culture as they assimilate to a new society, but the minority cultures were seconded . The difference in culture set an unbreakable social barrier and boundaries bounded by neglecting of small culture. The Story of Doris is Coming by ZZ Packer, is one of the short stories from her collection of Drinking Coffee Elsewhere, is about Doris Yates, a religious and family girl who helps her mother clean the Jewish Church, friend of Olivia but they don t seem to get along well and She wanted to be saved by Christian salvation. Doris often visits to Mr. Stutz, from Lithuania, and he recognize Doris as Dori-ka, as she often visits him at his shop for a little chat. Her social norm consists of , Mr. Stutz, and her Pastor, so many assume that her thinking and ideology seem to be narrow minded. The story took place in a time where the African American people were fighting for equality, and receive equal right as the white people. The Promise land of American claimed that everyone is equal, but there were several Supreme Court cases of people treated unfairly and segregation. In a scholarly article about a young man named Plessey who refuse to sit in a segregated rail cart meant for African Americans Plessy v. Ferguson: The Effects of Lawyering on a Challenge to Jim Crow. by Hoffer William and James Hall. As a Human being we should eliminate out discrimination toward the other races, thorough the narration of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Organized Crime Around the World - 1874 Words
When people think of organized crime they think of the Italian mob and the Russian mafia. They are the ones that they see in movies and on television, and the ones that they hear about the most. However, they were created a couple centuries after their Asian counterparts, the Yakuza in Japan, and the Triads in China. These Asian syndicates were founded in the sixteenth and seventeenth century and consisted of merchants and other people in what was basically the middle class. They were just groups of poorer people who were just looking for protection or were trying to help other people. The first organized crime syndicates were a kind of Robin Hood, they helped the poor. They weren’t big or powerful, and they didn’t have large numbers. The†¦show more content†¦The Russians began moving over during the Cold War to escape the conditions in their country. Organized crime is now in every major city in the US. The heaviest presence is in New York City, Los Angeles, L as Vegas and Chicago. The most well-known group though, is still the Italian Mafia. The Italian Mafia in the U.S. can trace its origins all the way back to the Sicilian Mafia which was founded in Sicily during the 1800’s (Italian Organized Crime). After thousands of years of different armies with different nationalities conquering Italy and exploiting its people, the Sicilians became to be more clannish and family focused. Originally they were just resistance fighters that were protecting their friends and family. They were relied on for protection, justice, and survival. Nobody cared if they got money from it because it came from the oppressive authorities. Members of these groups were known as â€Å"Men of Honor†and they were well respected and even admired because they looked out for their family and kept silent sometimes even unto death. They didn’t become an organized crime group until the 1920’s however (Italian Organized Crime). It was around this same time that the US began to see what later became La Cosa Nostra or â€Å"our thing,†better known as the American Mafia which was aided by the â€Å"thousands of Italian organized crime figures, mostly Sicilian Mafiosi†who came toShow MoreRelatedThe scene of organized crime has long since changed after the reign of Italian and Sicilian mafia,1600 Words  | 7 PagesThe scene of organized crime has long since changed after the reign of Italian and Sicilian mafia, and has evolved into modern terms. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines organized crime as any group having some manner of a formalized structure and whose primary objective is to obtain money through through illegal activities.. The motive is almost always to gain money, as stated in the definition given by the FBI, or significant power over a region. For such a large feat of gainingRead MoreEssay about Deviance and Organized Crime1454 Words  | 6 Pagesdeviance. Among the many forms of deviance, organized crime stands out in many aspects of society. Organized crime has been around for many years in America and for centuries in Europe. It is distinguished by its durability over time, expansive interests, hierarchical structure, buildup of profit, investment of profit, access to political protection, and the use of violence as an end to particular means. Organized crime is able to thrive throughout the world by supplying, or appearing to supply, servicesRead MoreSimilarities Between Terrorism and Organized Crime:1630 Words  | 7 PagesSimilarities between terrorism and organized crime: Today’s terrorism and organized crime groups are so similar that their differences are starting to blur and the commonalities are becoming clearer. Terrorism and organized crime is a perfect match, that may have different objectives, but they can accomplish their goals through one another. The underground network, tactics they share and utilize to accomplish a task in support of one another, recruiting methods, financial institutions, and theRead MoreEssay about Japanese, Russian, Chinese, and Mexican Organized Crime1042 Words  | 5 Pages Organized crime is an international issue and it exists in several different countries, such as; Italy, China, Japan, Russia and the United States of America. Although all these groups of organized crime have many things in common they tend to have different ways of doing something, or they may not do them at all. Many also commit similar types of crimes, and others commit crimes other groups would not. It is thought that the Russian Mafia has existed in Russia for several centuries. When RussiaRead MoreTheories And Rational Choice Theory1274 Words  | 6 Pageschoice theory. The two types of crimes that were chosen were organized crime, specifically focusing on gangs, and terrorism. Then the crimes will be compared and contrasted. Finally, the developmental theory will be applied to organized crime to explain why and how it happens. The rational choice theory will be applied to terrorism to explain what compels individuals to attempt this form of criminality. Organized Crime (Gangs) The definition of organized crime is â€Å"crime committed by groups engaged inRead MoreSocial Organized Crime Perspective886 Words  | 4 PagesSocial Organized Crime Perspective May 21, 2012 CJA 384 Social Organized Crime Perspective Organized crime is found in the United States of America today and the law enforcement agencies are trying to find a way to curb its existence. Even though there are illegal businesses associated with organized crime, they are mixed in with legal businesses to portray a legal front. It also can be called a social institution because it is led by a boss and follows a chain of command much like a pyramidRead MoreOrganized Crime Essay1658 Words  | 7 PagesIn our world, it’s obvious that there are things we never really see. For instance, we don’t know how lots of things are made, what people do behind closed doors, and never really want to find out. However, there is something that happens right in front of our noses and we never know it. Organized crime is the one thing that we don’t know about that happens right out in the open. That pizza joint you go to that’s been around for years, and then burns down when it starts to go under; or thoseRead Mor eThe Role of the Internet and Crime971 Words  | 4 PagesThe Role of the Internet and Crime Strayer University Crime has been around for a long time and will probably never disappear. With the invention of many things such as the wheel, the tool helps criminals. The wheel helped the criminals get away faster which made it harder to catch them. Criminals will always look for ways to make their â€Å"job†easier. With the advancement of technology come the advanced criminals. The internet has become one of the biggest toolsRead MoreImpacts of the Mafia735 Words  | 3 PagesMafia The Mafia is an Italian secret criminal society. The Mafia, or syndicate, impacts cities all around the world. Most of the effects of the Mafia are negative, but there can be several positive effects on the culture and economy of the cities in which it frequents. Peter Maas declares organized crime the â€Å"biggest business in the country†(Maas). â€Å"The largest and best known organized crime group is the nationwide organization variously known as the ‘syndicate’, the ‘mob’, the ‘Mafia’, andRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence1249 Words  | 5 PagesImagine living in a carefree world, it’s impossible but with the criminal justice system enacting laws to forbid illegal activity, crime has lessened nationwide. Several categories of crime such as guns, drugs, and organized crimes spark major concern. Crime has existed since human conscience was active. Gun violence is the illegal use of a firearm. Drug crimes are executed by one whom obtains, produces, and allots illegal substances. Organized crimes have several components, one that involves firearms
Jjt Task 1 Free Essays
For the five years Unique. com has been in business they have identified Social Responsibility as a core value within the organization. It has been the driving factor of our company’s culture and will continue to be in the future. We will write a custom essay sample on Jjt Task 1 or any similar topic only for you Order Now We believe that every stake holder is impacted by the choices we make as a company. In our eyes, Social Responsibility represents the values of our business. Values in which we operate our business by on a daily basis. These and that demonstrate our integrity, respect and commitment. We are sincere in our level of concern for employees, vendor and supplier relationships, our community and the planet. We have had the same Social Responsibility plan in place for the past five years. Strategically, the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) team heads up the development of our CSR Plan and supports the implementation and facilitation of the company’s program. This team is made up of managers from various departments within the company. Every employee of UniqueSquared is responsible for the development of our Social Responsibility Plan. As employees we are all expected to challenge and encourage the company and others within our organization to exceed our current level of CSR. Together they develop and execute recycling programs for paper and card board that represents global best practices and research. Through the coming years, we will look to continue building upon our commitment to be a socially responsible company. We have a long-term goal of incorporating CSR into every appropriate aspect of our business. Unique strives to be a leader in not only our industry but also in corporate social responsibility. We plan to achieve this through leadership in recycling practices, environmental awareness, employee and community support programs and economic growth. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PROGRAM OVERVIEW UniqueSquared is an online e-tailer of pro-audio equipment. With the distribution of over 5,000 packaged orders per day, we are also responsible for protecting the environment. We have a vested interest in the sustainability of our economy, the environment and people. As the company may strive to increase profits, the main focus is on the triple bottom line, People, Planet and Profit. Our Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives are focused on the following three areas and directly impact and support the Triple Bottom Line concept: 1. Environmental (Planet) 2. Social (People) 3. Economic (Profit) Environmental: As a company we stand on the belief that we must do the right where we live and where others live as well. We plan to reduce our carbon footprint by implementing initiatives that improve and measure our recycling program. We ship and receive tens of thousands of boxes per week. It is most important that we discard these boxes in a way that is environmentally safe. A program will be developed to recycle and reuse empty boxes. We are requiring all of of suppliers and vendors to do the same. To be a preferred vendor, supplier or manufacturer doing business with us you have to participate in our cardboard box recycle/reuse program. Boxes will be either reused or recycled into packing paper to be used in place of styrofoam peanuts and plastic bubble wrap. It is important to us as a company that the companies we do business comply and support this effort to save the environment. Social: We are committed to earning and keeping the trust of our local community. We also believe in contributing to programs that support the music and art. The schools in our area have lost most or all of their funding for music and art programs. We have taken on the responsibility of providing resources and funding to keep these programs available to the families in our community. Employees are encouraged to volunteer a minimum of five hours per month, 60 hours per year to the improvement of our community or assisting with the community music and art programs. We do not only want to be a company that is viewed as being a leader in the pro-audio retail industry. We strive to be an employer that is viewed by our community as ne that is ethical, uplifting, caring and invested in the community we exist in as well as the world. Economic: Our economic growth and sustainability benefits our local community, our state and our country. We contribute to the prosperity of our community by not only being a local employer, but one that believes in hiring local people. Supporting the development and growth of our community by investing in the area. We provide opportunities for growth and development within the community by offering college scholarship and program sponsorships. We believe that we are only as strong as those we are surrounded by. Legal: CSR failures are becoming popular amongst corporations. These failures are impacting not only their reputations, but also their financial stability. When a company has not met their communicated CSR plan their stock price and market share can be poorly affected. UniqueSquared will engage legal council as we revise our CSR strategy. We must ensure that the company and all stakeholders are protected. Our legal team will take part in the development of our CSR strategy and the performance indicators. According to Carroll (1991), â€Å"Legal responsibilities reflect a view of ‘codified ethics’ in the sense that they embody basic notions of fair operations as established by our lawmakers. †Although it is important to maximize profits, we have a legal obligation to conduct business in a way that is in alignment with the requirements of government and law. As we push to excel and be a profitable company, being in compliance with local, state and federal regulations is a must. Our legal team will ensure we are fulfilling all of our legal obligations and that we are meeting or exceeding all legal requirements. Since July, 1996 a mandatory recycling ordinance has been in effect. It requires offices buildings and warehouses with 15,000 square feet or more of office space to recycle office paper, newspaper and cardboard. The City conducts annual site inspections of businesses that are required to recycle. Although the company continues to practice being socially responsible, internal and external communication, documentation and evaluation are areas for improvement. Communication of the plan can be stronger and more frequent to gain buy-in through out the company. Many employees are not aware of the requirements or the expectations for the company. If all departments are not aware of the social responsibility plan, it makes it very difficult to be successful. Quarterly newsletters and company wide reminder emails would be very helpful in providing plan updates, changes and successes to the entire company. The plan needs to be documented and published for everyone to be aware of the company-wide expectation in regards to social responsibility. A documented plan is useful in communicating the plan, identifying gaps and necessary changes to the plan. With a clearly documented plan internal departments would know what the plan entails. Shareholders, vendors and the community would also benefit from this plan improvement. This information can be published to the company website for external parties to be able to view and download. As well as being available on the internal company website for employees to access easily. Although the company has done a lot to be socially responsible, there is no set evaluation plan in place to identify success or needed improvements. How do we know when the plan is successful? How do we know when we our current plan is no longer relevant or needs to be updated or revised? With an evaluation plan, it would help in answering these questions and more on an ongoing basis. Annual plan evaluations can be sent to solicit feedback, status and opinions from the employees, vendors and the community. Ethical Leadership The concept of ethical leadership can be difficult to explain for it is more than leaders doing the right thing. Ethical leadership addresses the areas of leadership through the appropriate handling of the situation, event or occurrence. The areas to be addressed are constantly changing and are not always the same for every organization. Leaders must gain the trust of those they lead. The culture of every organization may vary and the challenges will be different. How a leader addresses the challenges is essential to social responsibility and the community as a whole. Ethical leaders not only have a solid understanding of ethical ideals, they also understand the purpose, vision, and values of the organization and the community. They are able to connect the goals of the organization with that of the internal employees and external stakeholders. It is one thing to tell the story being ethical as a leader. Ethical leadership requires leaders to live the story. PROPOSED 2012 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PLAN Goal To have a vested interest in the sustainability of our economy, the environment and the people in our community. As strive to increase our profits, we put focus on the triple bottom line, People, Planet and Profit. Strategy: 1. By incorporating the Social Responsibility Plan as part of the overall UniqueSquared business strategy, we will improve awareness an buy-in from all levels of employees within the company. . With measurable initiatives, we can ensure that we are meeting our CSR objectives that are also based on the company strategy. 3. Documentation is necessary to encourage stakeholder buy-in. We will provide ample documentation of buy-in by stakeholders to support the strategy as well as direction. 4. Legal council is needed and should be engaged to provide guidance and ensure we are in compliance with all regulatio ns. One major risks of the CSR program is that we can be out of compliance unknowingly. This can be due to changing regulations and laws. They will also ensure the company and all stakeholders are legally protected. 5. By researching best practices in recycling and reusing cardboard boxes, and integrate into UniqueSquared’s operational plan. This will hopefully give us an advantage over our competitors who may not have a CSR program or strategy in place as well as those that currently do. Strategy Initiatives: 1. Integrate recycling and reuse principles into the UniqueSquared business strategy to ensure that all organizations within the company are provided with processes and procedures to promote and support the recycling and reuse program. . Develop policies and procedures that support UniqueSquared’s recycling and reuse program as we comply with recycling regulatory standards and mandates. 3. Develop supervisors, managers and executives to facilitate company-wide training programs on the recycle program policies and procedures. REFERENCES A. B. Carroll (1991, July-August) The Pyramid of Corporate Socia l Responsibility: Toward the Moral Management of Organizational Stakeholders. Retrieved from http://www. cbe. wwu. edu/dunn/rprnts. pyramidofcsr. pdf How to cite Jjt Task 1, Essay examples
The Rebellion of The Americans free essay sample
This saying displays the colonists opinion of the harsh taxes issued by Britain. There were taxes put on everything from food to paper and legal documents. Unsurprisingly, it wasnt long before the colonists had enough. Tension was high between imperial officials and colonists and the colonists werent afraid to fight the ludicrous conditions. The actions carried out by the colonists included sending formal letters of protest to parliament, riots, tormenting of tax collectors and stamp distributors and ultimately the Boston Tea Party.However, some of these provisions ere met with even harsher punishments than the original taxes, causing a sort of cycle which eventually evolved Into the revolution. Another factor which lesser Influenced the rebellion was the restriction of the colonists civil liberties by . An example of this factor is the quartering act, forcing the colonists to open their home to soldiers who may not have been very cordial or thankful was an inconvenience to say the least. We will write a custom essay sample on The Rebellion of The Americans or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Another example is the fact that the colonists were not able to trade with anyone but Britain who paid little for the products from America.This caused a shortage of money in the colonies and illegal trade with outside countries. A third example of the restriction of civil liberties was the closure of Boston Port. This was a punishment inflicted due to the Boston Tea Party. The port remained closed until the colonies could pay for the tea, a debt that remains unpaid to this day. The third factor, which influenced the rebellion the least, was the legacy of colonial religious and political Ideas. When It came to religion, colonists were the odd ones out of the mainland from the beginning after all, most colonists came to America to escape the religious persecution of Britain.Politically, the colonies began to evolve or lean towards the idea of self-control and democracy. This was a problem for Britain because it was a monarchy and wanted to run the colonies by directing appointed officials There were many factors leading to the American Revolution. These three are Just a small overview of them, however they are arguably the most important. We also must remember the revolution did not just happen overnight. It was a result of years of oppressions and tension caused by the British government. However, without these trials and tribulations we wouldnt have grown into the amazing country we are today.Even if It Is currently on vacation. The Rebellion of The Americans in 1776 By their mother country, Britain. Most of, if not all of these led to the rebellion of the others. These factors include the parliamentary taxation, Britains restriction of civil liberties and the legacy of colonial religious and political ideas. The factor which was Unsurprisingly, it wasnt long before the colonists had enough. Tension was high between imperial officials and colonists and the colonists werent afraid to fight the cycle which eventually evolved into the revolution.Another factor which lesser influenced the rebellion was the restriction of the colonists civil liberties by Britain. Of colonial religious and political ideas. When it came to religion, colonists were the odd ones out of the mainland from the beginning after all, most colonists came to important. We also must remember the revolution did not Just happen overnight. It However, without these trials and tribulations we wouldnt have grown into the amazing country we are today. Even if it is currently on vacation.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Objection to the production of genetically modified foods
Introduction Genetically modified crops (GMF) refers to plants which have been modified within laboratories for the purposes of enhancing plant characteristics. This process had earlier been done through breeding which proved to be more time consuming and at times produced inaccurate results.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Objection to the production of genetically modified foods specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This was enhanced through the use of genetic engineering which enabled the creation of plants with desired characteristics, done by inserting appropriate genes to the desired plants. However, arguments have risen on the viability of these kinds of food to human and environmental health. Various organizations have raised their concerns about GM foods since the idea is considered profit oriented rather than being health oriented (Domingo, 2000). There are some common concerns emerging amongst different p rofessionals about genetically modified crops and food. These concerns revolve around health risks, environmental pollution and the adverse effects on the general biodiversity. These concerned people put across their arguments without any valid evidences which could support their negative stand on the danger posed by genetically engineered food. So far conclusion has been made concerning the long-term consequences GM food could have on human health not forgetting the general safety of the current and future environment. Based on such argument, some may tend to take side with the proponents of GM crops and food in declaring the food safe for consumption (Domingo, 2000). Despite the dilemma faced on the issue, there are still numerous legal grounds that people could stand upon in the process of opposing the use of GM food. This could be based on the manner in which the industry has structured its laws on the use of intellectual property rights where by the issue of patenting genetical ly modified organisms would be geared towards transformation of farming methods. The focus is majorly on maximizing profits hence ignoring many lives it is meant to support. Contrary to the objections presented by the public concerning the introduction and use of GM food, some of the big world organizations seem to be reading from different scripts. One of the organization’s is World Trade Organization (WTO), which is a body majorly concerned with implementation and regulation of rules amongst the nations of the world. This body is one of the proponents on the use of GM food; WTO has gone as far as protecting the sale of GM food within the market through granting those involved legal trade licenses and also protecting them against any market discriminatory actions. Such kind of a move undermines the people’s democratic rights on choice and interests. This is since the market forces can never form any legal substitute to human life and safety. Such kind of move provides a reach battle ground between humanitarian and market forces.Advertising Looking for article on agriculture? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More These rights include; food and safety rights, right to freedom of choice, property rights and the rights conferred on organizations dealing with food security. This provides one of the most powerful grounds used in opposing the existence of GM food within the global market. International laws require that any kind of food should undergo thorough testing and investigations before being released to the general public. However, there are some kinds of food that are always regarded as safe internationally hence does not undergo thorough check. Genetically Modified food falls under this category of safe food according to international laws under FDA. The tests relied upon for approvals are performed by the same companies who happen to be prime producers of genetically modified organisms. This leads to some kind of bias since they would want to gain at the expense of human life, they will tend to exaggerate the level of danger contained within their inventions. To be on safe side the public should be warned and advised to take caution while using any kind of food within the market. This is since most of these genetically modified food stuff appear in the market with no labels which could provide consumers with knowledge about their use. Such actions reinforce the nature of risk the companies are exposing people to; this could be traced to some dangerous scenarios the public has been exposed to in the past like the issue on mud cow disease. Humanitarian and food security organizations should therefore ensure that necessary safety rules and procedures are instituted to assist in curtailing GM food and crops (Pusztai, 2000). Explanation of the issue on objection on the use of Genetically Modified food Controversies have been raised over the rise in genetically modified crop s and food; this is in line with the kind of complexities they pose to human issues. Most governments though, have considered genetic modification as an important aspect of technology beneficial to scientific, political and economic progress. They consider such implication as one of the great advances towards development of future human welfare. This has since not been proven true from the human point of view, because the idea of using biotechnology poses some moral and ethical challenges to human life.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Objection to the production of genetically modified foods specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The ability of the inserted genetic matter being transferred through into different species presents one of the greatest risks to survival. Scientists have got little knowledge to establish the processes which might be caused by GMF at genetic level and the ultimate consequences on the prot eomic level of the life involved. They have not been able to ascertain on the causal impacts across food chains (Domingo, 2000). The inception of GM crops and food has got some adverse effects on economy and nature. It seems to undermine the nature’s ability to sustain life through environmentally friendly ways of producing food for human sustenance. There is strong belief and proof that the planet has got the capability of producing enough food for the purposes of supporting life therein, the insufficiency comes due to unfair application of human will power. Enough could be produced through the use intensive farming methods and the application of right procedures and prescriptions on crops. Increased yields and food production could be ensured by use of various diversification methods. One of the major environmental risks posed by GM crops is the negative impact they have on the biodiversity within the farmlands (Buick, 2011). Genetically modified food is no different from o ther known conventional foods hence should be subjected to thorough test for health risks. Genetically modified food should be examined for their alleged level of toxicity, antibiotic resistance and also the level of carcinogens they contain. These contents make them health hazards hence should be avoided whenever possible. They also pose a great threat towards what is known as genetic pollution whereby the crops trigger irreversible genetic contamination to plant and animal life. The crops produce chain of reactions which eventually pose unintended consequences like pests resistant to chemicals as well as hard core weeds. It may also lead to emergence of resistant viruses in the process of gene transfer from viral resistant plants to other plants. This presents great threat to biodiversity since the crops are planted into foreign ecosystems where they eventually dominate (Taylor et al, 1999). The whole issue on GM food seems to concentrate so much on scientists ignoring the importa nt contributions by the public. The whole issue on policy making surrounding GM food is only narrowed down to experts ignoring the full involvement of the public in decision making process. This could lead to under-presentation since the effects of the food is generally felt by the public hence the decisions made could be considered illegitimate. There is also the unjustified process on risk assessment processes which involves balancing of risks, costs involved and the benefits on the use of GM food. There are no clear indications that implementation of GM food has got parallel studies on methods of overcoming any hazardous consequences they might pose to life (Lappe et al, 1999).Advertising Looking for article on agriculture? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Arguments for the particular decision based on legal, economic, social, political and ethical considerations Many opinions have been put across on the potential health risks associated with GM food crops; this has been substantiated by scarce data. The level of quality, science gives on the established data concerning GM food is sub-standard. This justifies the reason as to why there is objection on the fact that the future of this generation is dependent upon the success brought by the promise based on quality GM foods. On the issue of environmental concerns, research has shown that GM crops could cause harm un-discriminatively to other niches within the environment. This was presented from the example of Bt. Corn which resulted in high mortality rates of insects including the un-targeted ones. The process also leads to gene transfer to non-targeted plant species, which appears adjacent to GM crops. This happens through cross pollination where pollen grains are transferred from mal e plants to undesired targets (Buick, 2011). Economically, existence of GM food into the market proves to be an expensive process owing to the kinds of costs involved. Companies involved in genetic production of food crops have patented their engineering technologies. The idea of patenting GM plants may result in price increase of the seeds which would be of great disadvantage to small farmers and majority of the third world countries. The result is the widening gap between the rich and the poor (Panse, 2010). The healthcare system which is concerned with the duties of providing the people with treatment, prevention measures and overall management of health finds difficulties dealing with risks posed by GMOs since there are no documented procedures form biotechnology industries. However, the necessary interventions could be ensured in collaboration with professional service providers like nurses and physicians. These services require adequate financing and should be performed based on already set policies and standards which govern the healthcare system. The industry faces some risks and challenges which include costs and the complex processes which should be followed to ensure quality results. The issue on GM food could be best addressed in terms of hazards rather than risks, of great importance is on how the effects occur within free trading systems. This may help in exposing the anticipated connections between the free markets and the public opinions concerning safety in terms of human and environmental health. This should be considered since GM food forms part of the complex social, political which makes the issue crucial part of international laws and markets. This makes the issue an important part of social justice which incorporates food production and consumption based on national, international laws and human rights. Failure to incorporate and consider these laws in the process of implementing GM food leads to violation of international laws on food s ecurity and human rights (Pusztai, 2000). The firm needs the approval of FDA in order to start carrying out the normal sales of GM food to the industry. Biotechnology firm should carry out some trials through the marketers on sample population to establish the level of relevance their invention brings to the market. This should be part of the design so as to enable the firm prove to the consumers that their product is superior compared to others and has got no side effects. There should be an established research organization which operates under the modern international laws on development providing strong base for future expansion. It would only work with experienced management team providing the required and necessary knowledge. The processes of regulations and clinical research should be incorporated to form part of research and development assisting in improvement of the results submitted to FDA. The strategy of introducing GMOs is simply for the purposes of fulfilling preventi on priority initiatives. It is intended at helping the population all over the world by improving on their lifestyle and upgrading their health status through adoption of quick-fix GM crops which in essence matures faster than the natural crops and also best at controlling emerging diseases. The aim is in the reduction of food deficit level experienced all over the world as well as preventing the use of chemicals. The strategy also aims at preventing prevalent mortality rate amongst the population due to rise in hunger (Pusztai, 2000). Building strategies is necessary for efficient implementation of any consumer product. The kind of strategy built and implemented determines the level of progress within any system. Strategies are usually built based on various conditions which should include; the current economic status, Country’s policies and ability to focus ahead based on competitive moves and health concerns. The implementation process should have action plan which can ena ble them have competitive advantage over other related food sources within the industry. The effects and implications of the chosen strategies in the implementation of GM food by the governments are basically based on business principles. The use of GM food may have increased effects on human productivity due to the genetic composition of the food crops transferable across food chain. The use of this strategy was basically aimed at ensuring that all community members have access to cheap food at affordable costs. This would have been done by offering some quality options like the implementation monitoring gadget that would enhance safety for all users of the GMOs. This would also ensure that important information about health concerns on the use of GM food is relayed appropriately to all community members. Performing this strategy would ensure reduction in negative consequences on the use of GM food. This means that the government would be in full control of the people’s heal th. Besides preventing and reducing death rate, the initiative would also ensure reduction in general public suspicions on the use of the food (Pusztai, 2000). The information provided on the use of GMOs would improve the nature of disaster preparedness towards community reactions on the use of GM food. The idea of objecting implementation of GM food aims at equipping the community and preparing them against any disaster posed by the use of strange food products found within the market. This strategy could help in enhancing excellent coordination between the food industry and the health care sector, making it easier when it comes to organizing appropriate responses in protecting public health. This would at the same time cover the need in improving the communication system used between the community and various organizations dealing with food safety. The procedure ensures that all the cases pertaining to reports on public health responses are maintained (Panse, 2010). Any plan insti tuted by biotechnology industry should ensure that organizational excellence is given priority since the strategy touches on human and environmental sustenance. For progress to be realized within the biotech industry, some dimensions and components within organizations working in collaboration with the industry require strengthening. This ensures that the industry’s effectiveness and efficiency on safety issues is felt across all the communities. This could be enhanced through recruitment of qualified and experienced scientists willing to be accountable for every process involved in the innovation of genetically modified food. This strategy may help in reducing the unnecessary phobia on the general public concerning GMOs. It would ensure that majority of consumers respond positively towards the idea on GM food (Pusztai, 2000). All these priorities could be supported on condition that Biotech industry agrees to work in partnership with the humanitarian organizations, food secu rity organizations and the community at large in ensuring that health and safety are given first priority. The industry should ensure that it forms and sponsors specific community groups specifically concerned with Health care matters to help in ascertaining the viability of their inventions. This would also help in closing the disparity that exists within healthcare on the grounds of discrimination and economic ability on the majority of the people. The promotion should encompass individuals, learning institutions and social centers all over the world (Pusztai, 2000). Stakeholder analysis The many controversies surrounding genetically modified food is that it may cause small local farmers to loose their business to few bigger companies. This means that much of the food will have to be imported from overseas countries. Due to the limited research done on this field only few crops could be produced through this process giving full benefits to the bigger corporations hence being viewe d as government initiative for the purposes of controlling world food supply (Yingqi, 2011). People have got the right to be protected from hunger by their respective countries and concerned world organization bodies. This makes every individual to have right to food which is essential to good health. There should not be any form of interference on the issue of citizen’s rights to enjoyment by any form of implementation whatsoever. Every state is under obligation to protect through provision of adequate basic needs which includes food and water. Food provided should be of convincing quality and quantity and in line with the people’s cultural norms. Genetically modified food tends to infringe the right of others towards enjoyment both environmentally and socially. Their acquisitions are thought by many to be of great set back towards sustainability (Yingqi, 2011). The governments through humanitarian organizations have the obligation of promoting individual’s rig hts to health and nutrition which in turn leads to enjoyment of basic political and economic rights. However, World trade organization encourages people to buy GM seeds and at the same time improve on the ways in which they do farming for the purposes of accommodating large quantities. The issue of farming has currently been dwindling within societies leading to mass drive towards poverty. This is because of the nature of competition which exists within the market. This clearly shows that even the introduction of GM food would do little to solve the problem of hunger within communities. Hence, reveals that the issue is not all about having less food but poor governance and crying levels of poverty. This means that introduction of biotechnology would encourage further dependence on few individual companies for the purposes of providing seeds and necessary equipments for farming (Kuiper et al, 1999). There is the problem of high expenditure on overheads and less involvement of the pub lic in decision making. The introduction of GM food leads to abrupt change in taste on side of the consumers since the food products give some unnatural taste to people. The use of in-experienced scientists in genetics poses adverse effect on the introduction of GM food since they are unable to convince the public on the safety of their innovations. Owing to these reasons, the only solution would be to provide possible alternatives out of this mire by incorporating both public and specialist opinion. This could lead to fulfillment of the desired consumer taste (Millstone, 1999). Conclusion Genetically modified foods could be used as one of the best interventions towards eradicating world food problems. Its other benefit could be realized on the reduction in the use of familiar chemicals like pesticides and other mechanical weed control mechanisms. Despite all these, several challenges face many governments; this is specifically in the crucial areas dealing with safety, regulation pr ocesses, international policies and food labeling. Majority share the feeling that genetic engineering could be one of the major future challenges on human life despite its potential of producing great benefits. The potential threats it poses to human and environmental health requires further investigations to establish on the truth behind the allegations. However, all the allegations provide valid concerns on the use of genetically modified food and crops. Specialists understand better the idea of strategy development within the Health care and food security sectors. This is since both contribute to individual’s as well as community’s health. Implementation of right strategies assists in increasing the health and environmental awareness amongst the communities and helps them know on ways of differentiating between risks and hazards. However, poor strategies often results into poor services which at times results into harmful consequences to both the Community and the health of individuals. Health of the public should be handled with the necessary caution and every available resource used in ensuring that humanity is safe from any form of humanitarian destruction. International rules and regulations safeguarding human existence should be followed to details by every country and any global organization. References Buick, A. (2011). The Great GM Food Scare. Web. Domingo, J.L. (2000). Health risks of Genetically Modified Foods: Many opinions but Few Data. Science, (288), 1748-1749. Kuiper, H.A., Noteborn, H.P., Peijnenburg, A., (1999). Adequacy of Methods for Testing the Safety of Genetically Modified Foods. The Lancet, (354), 1315-1316. Lappe, M.A., Bailey, E.B., Childress, C., Setchell, K.D.R. (1999). Alterations in Clinically Important Phytoestrogens in Genetically Modified, Herbicide-Tolerant Soybeans. Journal of Medical Food, (1), 241-245. Millstone, E., Brunner, E. Mayer, S., (1999). Beyond Substantial Equivalence. Nature, (401), 525-526 . Panse, S. (2010). The Advantages and Disadvantages of Genetically Modified Food. Retrieved from Pusztai, A. (2000). The Need for Rigorous Risk Assessment. Chemistry Industry, (8), 280. Taylor, N.B., Fuchs, R.L., MacDonald, J., Shariff, A.B. Padgette, S.R. (1999). Compositional Analysis of Glyphosate-Tolerant Soybeans treated with Glyphosate. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, (47), 4469-4473. Yingqi, C. (2011). Public has doubts over Modified Food. China Daily, (23/2), 5. This article on Objection to the production of genetically modified foods was written and submitted by user Tiana Sargent to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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