Sunday, January 26, 2020
Periodontal Health Knowledge and Awareness in Pregnancies
Periodontal Health Knowledge and Awareness in Pregnancies Title: Periodontal Health knowledge and awareness among pregnant females in Bangalore, India ABSTRACT There is plenty of evidence in the literature suggesting an association between periodontal diseases, pregnancy and even preterm low birth weight deliveries. The correlation has been expanded from periodontitis and preterm birth to various forms of periodontal infections and adverse pregnancy outcome, preterm birth, low birthweight, stillbirth, miscarriage, intrauterine growth retardation and pre-eclampsia. Aims and Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the awareness regarding periodontal health among pregnant females in Bangalore, India. Materials and Method: Three hundred pregnant female patients who visited the OPD of Gynaecology Department of Government Hospital, K.R. Puram, Bangalore was evaluated for oral hygiene status. Awareness of the relationship between oral health and pregnancy, demographics, oral health knowledge, oral hygiene, and dental visits during pregnancy and their willingness for treatment was surveyed by self administered questionnaire from the patients who were willing to participate in the study. The data were collected, summarized and statistically analyzed. Results: Awareness among pregnant women was found to be statistically non significant (p value > 0.05) irrespective of the age and educational qualifications (p value> 0.05). Conclusion: Knowledge and awareness regarding periodontal disease, and its effect on the pregnancy and birth outcome are limited. Key words- Pregnancy, Awareness, Periodontal Health INTRODUCTION Women’s life cycle changes presents unique challenges to the oral health care profession. Hormonal influences associated with the reproductive process alter periodontal and oral tissue responses to local factors creating diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas. It is imperative, therefore, that clinician recognize, customize and vary periodontal therapy, according to an individual female and the stage of her life cycle.1 Apart from the underlying systemic diseases, ceratin physiological condition can also aggravate the underlying gingival status, especially when the oral hyagiene is poor. Pregnancy being one of these conditions, is a time when the patient may experience the most profound physiologic and psychological changes in her life. There is plenty of evidence in the literature suggesting an association between periodontal diseases, pregnancy and even preterm low birth weight deliveries. The link between periodontal infections and preterm birth has been one of the frontiers in dental research. The correlation has been expanded from periodontitis and preterm birth to various forms of periodontal infections and adverse pregnancy outcome, preterm birth, low birthweight, stillbirth, miscarriage, intrauterine growth retardation and pre-eclampsia.2,3,4 Pregnancy provides an ideal opportunity to improve women’s health practices. Prenatal care entails regular and frequent medical visits, so that women are or can be motivated to improve their health for the benefit of the developing fetus. Since maternal oral flora and oral hygiene practices are predictors of the oral flora and oralhealth of infants and children, a pregnant woman’s knowledge and actions concerning her oral health are critical to the oral health of her child or children and may be a key to childhood caries prevention. Certain oral disease, such as periodontitis or periodontal infection, gingivitis or even caries can affect and influence not only the Maternal oral health but also the oral health of her child. Targeting pregnant women to increase their oral health knowledge may improve their oral health and, thus, the oral health of their children. Maternal oral flora and oral health are one of the greatest predictors of childhood oral flora and oral health.1,2 The interaction between oral and systemic health has long been of interest. It has been shown that pregnant womenhave a higher incidence of gingival inflammation compared to non-pregnant women2,3,4 According to literature in pregnant women the incidence of gingival inflammation observed from 36% to 100 %3,5 These vascular and Hormonal changes can lead to exaggerated immune respone of gingival towards bacterial plaque. 6,7 Good oral hygiene practices, however, can minimize gingival disease during pregnancy.2,7Two case–control studies 8,9 and cohort studies 10,11,12showed that periodontal disease could be an independent risk factor for pre-term birth and low birthweight after adjusting for several known risk factors. 2In fact, treatment of periodontal disease has been shown to reduce pre-term birth. 12,13Other studies have shown additional associations between periodontal diseaseand pregnancy, such as increased risk for development of preeclampsia during pregnancy.14 The purpose of the present study was to assess the awareness regarding periodontal health among pregnant females in Bangalore. The results obtained would serve asbaseline information for planning an oral health education program aimed at improving the oralhealth of pregnant women receiving care in the hospital.Specifically, it would identify areas of deficiency in thewomen’s knowledge and this would be helpful informulating the content of the oral health messages. MATERIALS AND METHOD The presentcross sectionalstudy was conducted in the Gynaecology Department of Government Hospital, K.R. Puram, Bangalore during June to August 2011.The minimum sample size wascomputed using the formula n= z2pq/d2 where p (theprevalence of women with good knowledge) was set at40%. Thus the computed minimum sample size was 271 subjects. This was increased by 10% to 300subjects to accommodate attrition. Hence, three hundred pregnant females who visited the OPD of Gynaecology Department of Government Hospital, K.R. Puram, Bangalorewere taken instudy design using simple random sampling. The subjects were informed about the purpose of the study and only those who gave written voluntary consent were taken into the study. Also, ethical approval was obtained from the institutional review board and permission from the head of Government Hospital was also obtained. The questionnaire wasdeveloped and pre-tested on 25 pregnant women toallow for refinement of the questions in order tofacilitate answering(Table 1). Questionnaires wereadministered to all consenting pregnantwomen who attended the antenatal clinic during thestudy period.The questionnaire contained two segments. The first part contained inquiries on the participant’s sociodemographic qualities, for example, age, occupation, monthly income and educational status. The second part contained fifteen questions pertaining to participant’s awareness regarding knowledge of relationship between oral health and pregnancy, knowledge about oral health, knowledge about oral hygiene, dental appointment during pregnancy, advice regarding necessity of dental health in pregnancy, presence of bleeding gums and whether any of the possible actions were taken to treat or reduce the gingival problems along with their compliance for the treatment. Each question answered â€Å"Yes†was given a score of 1 while for â€Å"No†, score 0 was given. Thus, the maximum achievablescore was 15 with a higher score indicating a high level of awareness. Individuals with scores of 11 and abovewere graded as having high awareness, those having scores from 6 to 10 were having average awareness while those with scores 5 or less were having low awareness. Awareness of periodontal health, according to age and educational qualifications of the pregnant females was also considered in the study. The results obtained from the periodontal health awareness questionnaire were compiled and subjected to statistical analysis using SPSS version 19.0. Descriptive statistics were reported as well as cross-tabulations by age, parity, education and occupation. For the purpose of analysis thelevel of education was categorized as low (primaryeducation only), middle (secondary education) andtertiary (post secondary education).Inference on the cross-tabulations were performed, using chi-square tests to test for general association. A probability value of RESULTS Sociodemographic features of study participants The mean age of our studypopulation was 24.97+4.343years (range 18–35 years)with the majority of the study population in the 18-25 (59.3%) and 26-30 (33%) years old categories. Over half (53.7%) of the respondents wereprimigravida while the remaining women had between1 and 5 children. Out of the total study population, 2.3% had primaryschool education, 10.7% secondary schooleducation, 33.3% attained post secondary educationand 53.7% attended university (Table 2). Most of the study participants were unemployed(78.3%), followed by employee (21.7%) (Table 2).On theutilization of dental services, 285 (62.9%) respondentsreported ever visiting a dental facility. The mean of questions answered correct by the subject was 4.53 +1.814 with a range of 1 8.Majority, i.e. 60 percent subjects had low awareness and only 40 percent with average awareness and 0 percent with high awareness (Table 3). The results of awareness among pregnant women came out to be statistically non significant (p value > 0.05) irrespective of the age.The results of awareness among pregnant women came out to be statistically non significant (p value > 0.05) irrespective of educational qualifications. DISCUSSION It is worth sayin that good oral health in pregnancy is very important factor, as recent trends showed that the poor oral health can lead to unfavourable pregnancy results. This is important in context of developing countries like india, where high mortality rate present.Most of the common oral diseases present during pregnancy (i.e. periodontal disease) are preventable only by using simplest measures like regular flossing and tooth brushing.A person’s knowledge, attitude and oral health would influence and generate such positive behaviour which is the ultimate result of person’s awareness.15 Thus, this study wasdesigned to provide a view of periodontal awareness among pregnant females in Bangalore. The present study showed low awareness(60%) among majority of the study population followed by average awareness among rest 40% of the participants. The results of the present study were similar to study conducted by HA Alwaeli SH Al-Jundi (2005)16who concluded that knowledge and awareness for pregnant women about their teeth and gingival condition is generally poor. Pregnant women need accurate information about their teeth and oral health. Simple educational preventive programmes on oral self-care and disease prevention before and during pregnancy should be provided to improve oral health.Another similar kind of study was conducted by Kim A. Boggess; Diana M. Urlaub, Merry-K Moos etal (2011)1and concluded that pregnant women have some oral health knowledge, which varied according to maternal race or ethnicity. Their beliefs varied according to their education levels. Including oral health education as a part of prenatal care may improve knowledge regarding the importance of oral he alth among vulnerable pregnant women, thereby, improving their oral health and that of their children. The awareness among pregnant women came out to be low below 25 years of age.The awareness among pregnant women came out to be average above 25 years of age.When the results were compared of above and below 25 years of age the awareness came out to be nonsignificant with average awareness among above 25 years of age. This study is not without limitations. Onelimitation is its reliance on self-reported data, which isoften subject to biases inherent to questions being askedsuch as recall bias. Nonetheless, the results wouldserve as a veritable tool for designing and specifyingappropriate oral health education messages forpregnant women receiving antenatal care. CONCLUSION A majority of the pregnant women has good knowledge and information about general health; however, their knowledge and awareness regarding periodontal disease, and its effect on the pregnancy and birth outcome is limited. Most pregnant women need more information about oral health, and prevention of gingival and periodontal diseases. Longitudinal studies are needed to assess the long-term effect of oral health education programs in maternity care centers on dental health knowledge and behavior of pregnant women. Further studies are needed to determine if there is a strong correlation between periodontal disease and premature labor and whether periodontal therapy or prevention can reduce the risk of premature labor. Studies to assess the role of dental hygienists in designing and promoting information regarding periodontal health awareness and practices among pregnant women in maternity care centers. REFERENCES Boggess KA, Urlaub DM, Moos MK, Polinkovsky M, El-Khorazaty J, Lorenz C. Knowledge and beliefs regarding oral health among pregnant women. J Am DentAssoc. 2011;142(11):1275-82. Loe H, Silness J. Periodontal disease in pregnancy. I. Prevalence and severity. Acta odontol scand. 1963;21:533-51 Jensen J, Lilijmack W, Bloomquist C. The effect of female sex hormones on subgingival plaque. J Periodontol1981;52: 599–602. Nuamah I, Annan BD. Periodontal status and oral hygiene practices of pregnant and non-pregnant women. East Afr Med J. 1998;75:712-4. Ferris GM. Alteration in female sex hormones: their effect on oral tissues anddental treatment. Compendium. 1993 ;14:1558-64. Zachariasen RD. The effect of elevated ovarian hormones on periodontal health:oral contraceptives and pregnancy. Women Health. 1993;20:21-30. Raber-Durlacher JE, van Steenbergen TJ, Van der Velden U, de Graaff J,Abraham-Inpijn L. Experimental gingivitis during pregnancy and post-partum:clinical, endocrinological, and microbiological aspects. J Clin Periodontol. 1994;21:549-58. Offenbacher S, Katz V, Fetik G, Collins J, Boyd D, Maynor G, et al. Periodontal infection as a possible risk factor for preterm low birth weight. J Periodontol 1996; 67: 1103–1113. Dasanayake A. Poor periodontal health of the pregnant woman as a risk factor for low birth weight. Ann Periodontol 1998; 3: 206–212. Jeffcoat MK, Geurs NC, Reddy MS, Cliver SP, Goldenberg RL, Hauth JC.Periodontal infection and preterm birth: results of a prospective study. J AmDent Assoc. 2001;132:875-80. Offenbacher S, Leiff S, Boggess KA, Murtha AP, Madianos PN, Champagne CM, etal. Maternal periodontitis and prematurity. Part 1: Obstetric outcome of prematurity and growth restriction. Ann Periodontol 2001; 6: 164–174. Lopez NJ, Smith P, Gutierrez J. Periodontal therapy may reduce the risk of preterm low birthweight in women with periodontal disease. J Periodontol 2002; 73: 911–924. Jeffcoat MK, Hauth JC, Geurs NC, Reddy MS, Cliver SP, Hodgkins PM, etal. Periodontal disease and preterm birth: result of a pilot intervention study. J Periodontol 2003;74: 1214–1218. Boggess KA, Lieff S, Murtha AP, Moss K, Beck J, Offenbacher S. Maternalperiodontal disease is associated with an increased risk for preeclampsia. ObstetGynecol. 2003;101:227-31. Al Habashneh R, Guthmiller JM, Levy S, Johnson GK, Squier C, Dawson DV, FangQ. Factors related to utilization of dental services during pregnancy. J ClinPeriodontol. 2005;32:815-21. Alwaeli HA, Al-Jundi SH. Periodontal disease awareness among pregnant womenand its relationship with socio-demographic variables. Int J Dent Hyg. 2005;3:74-82. TABLE 1: Questionnaire used for the study Table 2: Socio-demographic characteristics of study population Table 3: Percentage awareness among study population regarding periodontal health
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Sales and Inventory System of Graph Image Paint Center
I. INTRODUCTION 1. 1 RATIONALE OF THE STUDY Inventory systems are tracking systems that inform the amount of raw materials, supplies or final products have readily available. Updated each time you sell an item or use raw materials to create and to know what you available for the following day or week. This type of system allows ordering products in advance, so you have everything you need at all times. 1. 2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM How can the proposed system monitor the sales inventory of the transaction * How can the proposed system provide an accurate sales computation * How can the proposed system make a better sales record for each order transaction 1. 3 SYSTEM OBJECTIVES * To develop a Sale and Inventory System for Graph Image Paint Center that will give solutions to the problems encountered in their manual business processes. * To avoid excess inventory and stock outs by using the sales inventory system * To produce appropriate reports of the sales 1. 4 SYSTEM SCOPE AND LIMITA TIONScope: * records the customers’ order transactions * generate the customers’ order transaction report. * view the previous sales record * can add, edit, search or delete orders to be delivered * print a receipt * can view inventory record in daily basis * determines the lead point of reorder Limitations: * limited in cash-based payment * doesn’t accept a credit card payment * cannot perform the crediting of the custom II. Company Background Graph Image Paint Center is located at Salcedo Rosario, Cavite that sells different kinds of paint and painting materials.The store is owned by Mr. Gary Palima and Armie Palima. The business operates every Mondays to Saturdays from 8am to 5pm. The company is doing their annual inventory manually. 2. 1 Organizational Chart Gary Palima Armie Palima OWNER Alice Saqui CASHIER Mark Villegas Salesman 2. 4 ORGANIZATIONAL FUNCTIONS 1. Manager * updates the records of the products * responsible for the entire paint products and ot her painting materials retailing and wholesaling business * in charge of annual inventory 2. Cashier * responsible for the monetary transactions * updates the transaction records in charge of receiving phone call orders from the customer 3. Sales Man * in charge of delivering the products to the customers * receives payment from the customers where the products were delivered 2. 3 SUPPLIERS * Davies Paints Philippines Inc. 1887 Mercedes Ave. , San Miguel Pasig City * Asian Coatings Philippines Inc. 48 Amang Ave. , Santolan Pasig City * Super Globe Inc. 08 Luis Street, Barangay San Miguel, Pasig City III. CURRENT SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION 3. 1 USER OVERVIEW OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM The existing system of Graph Image Paint Center is a manual sales and inventory transaction process.The process has its simple listing of transactions and issuing of receipts. Everything is manually operated. Their inventory is being checked every end of accounting period or in a Periodic basis. However, the syst em cannot easily search for a particular product if they wish to see the quantity available. Sales report is unsecured and not presentably recorded. All their products are just listed in and compiled in a clear book. If the records are lost, there is no backup storage that will recover their transactions. 3. 2 EXISTING FLOW PROCESS DIAGRAM STARTCustomer Order Yes Another Order? No Sell the Product? Cancel Order No Yes Prepare the Product B Payment from customer Another Order? No Yes Copy Information to Record Book All Payments Recorded? A No Customer Transaction Continuation D A Yes End of the Day? Daily Sales Report Compute for Daily Total Sales No D Yes End of the Week? Weekly Sales Report Compute for Weekly Total Sales D No Yes End of the Month? Monthly Sales Report Compute for Monthly Total Sales B D No END The start of the existing flow process transaction is from the selling of the product.There is a decision box that indicates the cancel order and preparation of the product. If there is another order then the transaction is back to the customer’s order. If no, then the customers pay and the information are copied in the information record book. Then another decision box will ask if all the payments are recorded. If no, then it is back to copying information to record book. Then the information is saved at the customer’s transaction. If yes, there are decision boxes that will ask if what mode of report view will be, if it is daily, weekly and monthly. If es, the cashier will compute for the daily total sales. Then daily sales report will be generated and ends the process. 3. 3 EXISTING CONTEXT DIAGRAM CUSTOMER Defective Payment Product Product Receipt New Replaced Inquiry of Order Product Customer’s Profile SALES AND INVENTORY DeliveryReceipt Manual Sales and Inventory Report Shipment Purchase Manager SUPPLIERS Order Payment The figure shows the existing Context Diagram of Graphic Image Paint Center that focuses on their sales and i nventory system. The researcher’s chose that aspect because of the manual operating and checking of their sales and inventory. All of the records and information about their business are ecorded in an excel sheet and record books. The context diagram shows how their business flows between customers, suppliers and the owner. The transactions are made personally like shipping of the products, payment, reports, and customer orders and inquiry. 3. 4 EXISTING TOP-LEVEL DIAGRAM SALES Checking of products availability INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Order Point Payment Deliver Issue finalproducts bill & receipts Customer Shipment of Products Payment SUPPLIER Purchase Order The figure shows the existing Top Level diagram of Graphic Image Paint Center that focuses on sales and inventory system.Payment and ordering of products are done personally. Checking of product availability is done manually through physical counting that links the sales and inventory management. IV. ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS Th e existing system has shown that the un-automated sales and inventory structure hinders the fast and smooth flow of sales and inventory reports. It also indicates that the transactions are time consuming and are written in a record book which are unsecured and can be lost. The store is currently managing their inventories in a periodic way in which it is being checked at the end of each accounting period in a quarterly manner. . 1 SYSTEMS COMPONENTS FOR IMPROVEMENT The researchers have managed to improve the system by installing an automated sales and inventory system that will cater to the needs of the store to be able for them to handle inventory management at ease. The proposed system is made through Microsoft Access which is easy to operate and user friendly. In the proposed system, the inventory checking is being done through perpetual way that updates inventory accounts after each purchase or sale. V. SYSTEM DESIGN 5. 1 OVERVIEW OF PROPOSED SYSTEM The proposed system will prov ide the needs of Graph Image Paint Center.The system has initial customer profile that needs to save the customer’s name in order to save the transaction. The system now looks for the product that is being asked then the item will be shown with unit and price. The system can search and add another product if the customer wishes to buy one or more products at the store. Then the total amount is shown with the number of units bought by the customer. Receipt is issued with the total amount of products purchased. The cashier now will be able to generate sales report based on the order transactions and inventory updates. 5. PROPOSED FLOW PROCESS DIAGRAM: STORE INVENTORY START PRODUCTS B A SUFFICIENT STOCKS ADD PRODUCTTS NO NO ADD PRODUCT TO ORDER LIST SEARCH PRODUCT YES YES ALL STOCKS CHECKED NO ADD NEW PRODUCTS A YES ADD AGAIN YES CHECK ORDER SLIP /LIST NO B PRINT ORDER SLIP/LIST GENERATE REPORTS END The start of the proposed flow process diagram of store inventory is from the da ta of the products then a decision box for adding a product. If no, then search a product then search a product. again, a decision box for â€Å"sufficient stocks†. if no, then add product to order list. If yes then a decision box for â€Å"all stocks checked†. f no, then it will go back again at the search product. If yes, then it will show the checked order slip list. Then goes to print order slip/list. Then it will generate reports. After generating reports, that will be the end of the process. PROPOSED FLOW PROCESS DIAGRAM Sales START Z Start order transaction Yes A No Generate reports? Yes B No Customer Module? C Yes No END A Enter Product Name to Search Engine Cancel Transaction Yes No Yes No Yes Customer Order Z Continuation D Another Order? Found Product? Another Order? No Payment for the Ordered Product Calculate the Total AmountReceipt and Change Sales Record D CONTINUATION: B Sales Record E Daily Sales Report Daily Sales Report? Yes Create daily sales report Sales Record E No Weekly Sales Report Weekly Sales Report? Yes Create weekly transaction report No Sales Record E Monthly Sales Report? Monthly Sales Report Yes Create weekly transaction report No Z E C Z No Yes Add another Customer? Customer’s Contact No. Customer’s Address Customer’s Name CONTINUATION: Customer Record 5. 2 PROPOSED CONTEXT DIAGRAM CUSTOMER Product Payment Receipt New Replaced Product Defective ProductInquiry ofProduct SALES AND INVENTORY Customer’s Profile Delivery Receipt Copy of Automated Shipment Purchase Sales and Inventory SUPPLIERS Order Reports MANAGER Payment Purchase Order The figure shows the proposed context diagram of Graphic Image Paint Center. The proponents chose to improve the sales and inventory management for proper and safe recording of information and data with ease and effectiveness. The proposed system consists of automated sales and inventory reports and customer’s profile and transactions recording. 5. PR OPOSED TOP-LEVEL DIAGRAM SALES Automated checking of products availability INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Order Point payment Deliver Issue finalproducts Customer bills and receipts Shipment of Products Payment SUPPLIER Purchase Order The figure shows the proposed Top Level Diagram of Graphic Image Paint center that focuses on automation of sales and inventory management. The checking of the availability of the products are done automatically using a inventory system design software for easy tracking of products. 5. 4 LAYOUT DESIGN Fig. 5. 4. 1 Sales TransactionThe sales transaction is composed of customer’s name, the search engine for product category, product number, product, price, quantity, amount, total price purchased and the output transaction. The system has the â€Å"Add to Cart†command for additional product purchases. The â€Å"Add Quantity†is a command for adding the unit of the product. There is also the â€Å"Buy†and â€Å"Remove†selection in which the user can easily remove and approve the products that will not be purchased and will be acquired. There is also the â€Å"Previous Transactions†selection for easy tracking of customer’s transaction.Fig. 5. 4. 2 Payment The payment area of the system shows the total amount purchased, amount tendered, and the change is being calculated for faster computation. The â€Å"Purchase†command serves as the finish button transaction. Fig. 5. 4. 3 Daily Report of Sales The daily report part of the system shows the 24 hour transaction made. The date is being displayed as selected in â€Å"Display Report†command. The transaction number, product purchased, product price, quantity, total price and date purchased are displayed. The total profit Fig. 5. 4. 4 Weekly ReportThe weekly report part of the system is almost the same with the daily report display; the difference is it is viewed weekly from the chosen date to a specified date with 7 days range. Fig. 5. 4. 5 Monthly Report The monthly report of the system shows the monthly transaction of Graph Image Paint Center and has the same features with daily and weekly report system. Fig. 5. 4. 6 Inventory Record The inventory record system serves as the product storage management in which it shows the quantity available in the store. The critical quantity is included in order to monitor the order point of the store.The price of all the products is also shown. The â€Å"+†command indicates the adding of another product when there is a new product to be stored. The â€Å"X†indicates the removal of the product. The â€Å"paper and pen†box is a command that edits the product name and product number. Fig. 5. 4. 7 Customer’s Profile The Customer’s Info area indicates the customer’s name, customer’s address, and customer’s ID and contact number. The â€Å"X†it the edit command which manages the customer’s information. 5. 5 PROPOSED SYSTEM DATA DICTIONARY: Table 5. 5. 1: Sales Information Proposed System Data Dictionary| *Sales Information|Data Element Name| Type | Length| Valid Entries| Sample Data| | | | | | Customer_Name| Alpha-numeric| 30| any character (A-Z,0-9)| Juan dela Cruz|  |  |  |  | Juana Miller| Category| Alpha-numeric| 16| any character (A-Z,0-9)| Gloss Latex|  |  |  |  | Enamel| Product_Number| Numeric| 10| any number (0-9)| 1005| |  |  |  | 206| Product_Name| Alpha-numeric| 20| any character (A-Z,0-9)| Nation-Gallons|  |  |  |  | Davies-1/4 Liter| Price_per_Case| Currency| 12| Php| Php2,045. 00| |  |  |  | Php610. 00| Quantity| Numeric| 10| Php| 12| |  |  |  | 5| Total_Price| Currency| 12| Php| Php1,128. 00| |  |  |  | Php15,600. 0| The Table shows the Proposed System Data Dictionary of the Graph Image Paint Center, This consists of the Sales Information of the Retail Store. Data Element, Type, Length, Valid Ent ries and Sample Data. Data Element involves the names, category, number, quantity and price of the product that the Retail Store has. Table 5. 5. 2: Daily/Weekly/Monthly Report (Transactions) Proposed System Data Dictionary| *Daily/Weekly/Monthly Report (Transactions)| Data Element Name| Type | Length| Valid Entries| Sample Data| | | | | | Transaction_Date| Alpha-numeric| 13| Valid Dates| 20130101|  |  |  |  | 1-Jan-13|Transaction_Number| Numeric| 5| any number (0-9)| 32| |  |  |  | 15| Product_Name| Alpha-numeric| 20| any character (A-Z,0-9)| Nation-Gallons|  |  |  |  | Davies-1/4 Liter| Product_Price| Currency| 12| Php| Php2,045. 00| |  |  |  | Php610. 00| Quantity| Numeric| 10| any number (0-9)| 12| |  |  |  | 5| Total_Price| Currency| 12| Php| Php1,128. 00| |  |  |  | Php15,600. 00| Total_Sales| Currency| 12| Php| Php18,900. 00| |  |  |  | Php6,700. 00| The Daily/Weekly/Monthly Report Transactions of the Retail Store which is the Graph Image Paint Center is discussed in the table and also the proposed systems dictionary.The same concept is shown in the table. With Data Element, Type, Length, Valid Entries and Sample Data are the one being discussed. This Table gives summarization for the store to have easy and productive results. Table 5. 5. 3: Payment Information Proposed System Data Dictionary| *Payment Information| Data Element Name| Type | Length| Valid Entries| Sample Data| | | | | | Total_Due| Currency| 12| Php| Php6,500. 00| |  |  |  | Php15,250. 00| Amount_Tendered| Currency| 12| Php| Php7,000. 00| |  |  |  | Php15,500. 00| Change| Currency| 12| Php| Php500. 00| |  |  |  | Php250. 00|The Payment Information of the retail store, Graph Image Paint Center is given in the table shown below, this has the same content because this is a Proposed System Data Dictionary, This table discussed the Total Due, Amount Tendered and Change of the store. Table 5. 5. 4: C ustomer’s Profile Proposed System Data Dictionary| *Customer's Profile| Data Element Name| Type | Length| Valid Entries| Sample Data| | | | | | Customer's_ID| Numeric| 12| any number (0-9)| 23| |  |  |  | 32| Customer's_Name| Alpha_Numeric| 12| any character (A-Z,0-9)| Ana Gonzales|  |  |  |  | Juan dela Cruz|Customer's_Address| Alpha_Numeric| 12| Php| Lagundi, MorongRizal|  | |  |  | Pandacan, Manila| Contact_Number| Numeric| 15| any number (0-9)| 2345678|  |  |  |  | 9108766543| The Table shows the Customer’s Profile Proposed System Data Dictionary of Graph Image Paint Center. The Data Element Name shows the information about the customer, it discussed the names, contact numbers, customer’s ID and address. Table 5. 5. 5: Inventory Information Proposed System Data Dictionary| *Inventory Information| Data Element Name| Type | Length| Valid Entries| Sample Data| | | | | |Product_Number| Numeric| 10| any number (0-9)| 1005 | |  |  |  | 206| Product_Name| Alpha-numeric| 20| any character (A-Z,0-9)| Nation-Gallons|  |  |  |  | Davies-1/4 Liter| Quantity| Numeric| 10| any number (0-9)| 12| |  |  |  | 5| Critical_Quantity| Numeric| 10| any number (0-9)| 200|  |  |  |  | 150| Product_Price| Currency| 12| Php| Php2,045. 00| |  |  |  | Php610. 00| The proposed System Data Dictionary of an Inventory information is shown in the table and the data element name discussed all about the paint products of the retail store, which are the item number, name and quantity. . 6 PROPOSED SYSTEM SPECIFICATION The proposed system is being operated through Microsoft Access. Microsoft Access, also known as Microsoft Office Access, is a database management system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. Microsoft Access stores data in its own format based on the Access Jet Database Engine. It can also import or link directly to data stored in other applications and databases.The proposed system is a combination of sales and inventory which are linked to one another to easily monitor transactions and manage products. 5. 6. 1 MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Operating System: Windows XP or higher Processor: Pentium IV or higher Memory: 1 gb RAM Video Card: 256 mb Application Needed: Microsoft Access VI. CONCLUSION Therefore, the proposed sales and inventory system for Graph Image Paint Center is fast and reliable. They can manage inventory in automated way which will lessen the hassle of recording it manually. It may help the user to easily search for a particular transaction for later viewing of reports.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Facts, Fiction and Usc Common App Essay and Responses to Short Answer Topics for Tranfer Stude
Facts, Fiction and Usc Common App Essay and Responses to Short Answer Topics for Tranfer Stude We are truly attempting to get to understand who our applicants are. It will help them understand how you're presenting yourself in your program, and they could also supply you with useful feedback. Late applications won't be considered. An official application must be submitted. There are different services worth considering since you would like your essay to look its finest. Students admit they could use an excess set of hands as soon as it comes to writing an essay. Benefit from the essays to tell the reason why they want you. You can select to write you essay or seek the services of a professional writer that will help you. Your writing also needs to be authentic and show your very own exceptional voice. Murray added that the training course is many times a cathartic outlet for a few of the interviewees. Additionally, a lot of the parents that are interviewed appreciated th e students' interest. Rumors, Deception and Usc Common App Essay and Responses to Short Answer Topics for Tranfer Stude At times the grass isn't greener somewhere else. For instance, class sizes at your present school might have been too large, which means that your professors were not able to pay any attention to your requirements. Do not be hesitant to use different professional samples to be sure you're on the perfect way. You have whatever you need at your fingertips if you opt to take advantage. The writing components of the application are your opportunity to paint a comprehensive picture of who you should highlight something that might not shine through elsewhere. The War Against Usc Common App Essay and Responses to Short Answer Topics for Tranfer Stude Failure to reveal problems and negative results Negative facets of the research procedure shouldn't be ignored. Resources for Human Development is among the newer groups to be involved with the training course. Conc lusions which are too lengthy often have unnecessary information within them. A minumum of one letter of recommendation has to be an academic reference. Make sure, however, your conclusion isn't merely a repetitive review of the findings. The Pre-Grad advisors are ready to review your draft. Please read the full agreement carefully. Introducing Usc Common App Essay and Responses to Short Answer Topics for Tranfer Stude While USC offers guidelines on how your essay content ought to be created, they may not offer helpful info that will help you determine what you ought to write about. Writing in script form isn't required. Do your homework about the program you need to apply. Major-Specific Extra Curricular Activities Annenberg TV News is a superb example as stated above. Emphasize visual elements together with dialogue. While there isn't a single topic that is far better than another, we do expect a couple of things from you. Other individuals feel it's too much pressur e to sit down and compose an essay. Keep in mind by the conclusion of the essay you ought to be saying positive things about yourself! That is likely to make your essay stick out. Generally speaking, your essay must contain the information about the principal topic and you've got to earn some research to be certain your essay is following the recent news. The Do's and Don'ts of Usc Common App Essay and Responses to Short Answer Topics for Tranfer Stude The degree being pursued, though, will demand a degree of commitment that ought to be emphasized. Highlighting the demand for additional research provides the reader with evidence that you've got an in-depth awareness of the research issue. This isn't a problem unless you don't remember to return and refine the original objectives in your introduction. The very first is the value of prioritizing. Usc Common App Essay and Responses to Short Answer Topics for Tranfer Stude Fundamentals Explained The essay part of the ACT is o ptional. I think that it's very good for them, she explained. You should supply extra documentation after you finish the course to demonstrate that you were enrolled in the classroom sort of the class. Where to Find Usc Common App Essay and Responses to Short Answer Topics for Tranfer Stude All these activities will assist you as you move forward. They even have a department that will help you fund your very own new student organization. Well, actually, it's a little bit more complicated than that, but it's still not as hard as you may imagine. Choosing Usc Common App Essay and Responses to Short Answer Topics for Tranfer Stude Our premium plans provide different degree of profile access and data insights that may allow you to get into your dream school. You also have to wind in to your answer the underlying message which you're uniquely qualified to contribute and be part of the company program. During the time you are searching through your choices, permit yourself to st ay involved in your present campus. Football games are vital. It has easily become the best decision of my life up to now. My aim is to assist you in finding YOUR story. The aim is to be a partnership, she explained. When you first sit down to write, begin by reflecting on your aims, achievements, strengths, interesting experiences you've had, and the way you intend to continue your academic or professional improvement. New Questions About Usc Common App Essay and Responses to Short Answer Topics for Tranfer Stude You must go out and find out more about this area you go to school in. It isn't uncommon for students to look at transferring to a different school during the spring of their very first year of college. You may have chosen to find some academic credits at a community college since it's cheaper, and now you wish to move to one of the huge league colleges to gain from its reputation as a major learning institution. Although your list of schools may be different t he second time around, be thoughtful of what you like about your present college and that which you hope will differ at the next school. You should not say anything negative about your existing school. As a result, in the event the school you're planning to attend isn't listed or the courses you need to take don't appear, please continue to the third step.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide Nice Words for...
Increasingly, in the courts and the media and in conversation, we are hearing about euthanasia and the so-called right to die. Its time we all are fully informed about what is going on, and what the appropriate response should be. Euthanasia is not a future problem. It is a present problem. It is happening now and becoming increasingly accepted. And we are asleep, not realizing that the road we are on will lead to the massive elimination of the elderly and incompetent, and anyone else considered to be a burden to society. The reflections in this essay are intended to wake us up to the main issues involved in the euthanasia debate. Consider the Nancy Cruzan case. She had been in a coma for almost eight years, but was NOT†¦show more content†¦It is never care in any sense of the word, to terminate life, even if that life is full of suffering. We have no right to terminate life. There are groups in our country pushing for the right to use lethal injections on the seriously ill, or to remove their food and water. We must oppose such moral nonsense with all our strength. And the time to oppose it is now, before it becomes solidified in law. No matter how ill a patient is, we never have a right to put that person to death. Rather, we have a duty to care for and preserve life. But to what length are we required to go to preserve life? No religion or state holds that we are obliged to use every possible means to prolong life. The means we use have traditionally been classified as either ordinary or extraordinary. Ordinary means must always be used. This is any treatment or procedure which provides some benefit to the patient without excessive burden or hardship. Extraordinary means are optional. These are measures which do present an excessive burden. The distinction here is NOT between artificial and natural. Many artificial treatments will be ordinary means in the moral sense, as long as they provide some benefit without excessive burden. It depends, of course, on the specific case in point, with all its medical details. We cannot figure out ahead of time, in other words, whether or not we ourselves or a relative want so me specific treatment to be used on usShow MoreRelatedWhat Actually Is Physician Assisted Suicide?1390 Words  | 6 PagesWhat actually is Physician-Assisted Suicide? In the discussion of Physician-Assisted Suicide you have to make sure that you use the right terminology and make sure that it is clear. Some of the greatest dangers of facing chronic and terminally ill patients are a grey area regarding PAS. There is a strict process to practice PAS. Despite the stringencies, the Council of Ethical and Judicial Affairs (1992) found that 28% of PAS cases in the Netherlands did not meet the specific criteria. The evidenceRead MoreActive Euthanasia: Physician Assisted Suicide is Wrong Essay1523 Words  | 7 PagesActive Euthanasia: Physician Assisted Suicide is Wrong The issue at hand is whether physician-assisted suicide should be legalized for patients who are terminally ill and/or enduring prolonged suffering. In this debate, the choice of terms is central. The most common term, euthanasia, comes from the Greek words meaning good death. Sidney Hook calls it voluntary euthanasia, and Daniel C. Maguire calls it death by choice, but John Leo calls it cozy little homicides. Eileen Doyle pointsRead MoreDying with Dignity960 Words  | 4 Pagesto the person. People who have this illness resort to an alternative called euthanasia. Euthanasia is when someone a physician or a family members assist the terminal ill to die by injecting such person with a drug or plugging out the chord that keeps the person alive. While supporters of this technique claim that euthanasia is humane and helpful, other people argue that euthanasia is morally wrong, and inhumane. Euthanasia should be legalize in the United States because it gives an alternative forRea d More Jack Kevorkian Essay1774 Words  | 8 PagesShe still had a life expectancy of at least ten years with the illness, but she wished to die. She wanted to die before the disease robbed her of her competence (Larson 229). Kevorkian later killed Adkins and faced the consequences boldly (Hendin,  ³Suicide in America ² 247). The background, process, and effects of Dr. Kevorkian ¹s questionable first patient, Janet Adkins, have a very detailed story in them. amp;#9;Janet Adkins led a very productive life up to and even after she had been diagnosed with
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